visualping is damn awesome, and this update is great. basically i can select an element on a webpage (in the graphic examples above, it's the price field of apple airpods) and then visualping will notify me when that element gets changed (i.e. the price changes).
Thank @_jacksmith - Excited to share our most important upgrade since the launch our our Chrome extension last year.
We now allow users to track changes by selecting a web-element as opposed to an crop area on a website.
You still get 2 sets of images in your inbox: before and after the change.
The big advantage is that it reduces the number of false alarms any up to 90% for some of the most difficult sites to track.
@_jacksmith perhaps, I mis-read, but I thought it said 62 checks a month - which means if I have 2 websites [not that uncommon these days], and I check them 4 times a day (every 6 hours) [really not that often when you think about say being hacked and you'd want it to be checked like once every 30 minutes perhaps] x 31 days a month = 248 checks in a month...
That would be a light use... even if you say every 12 hours [and 12 hours is really long in between checks], still 124 checks/month ...
@exlemor please shoot an email to and someone will give you some extra free credits. Same applies to anyone reading this thread ; - )
By the way, the first thing we'll do when closing our financing round is to be much more generous with our free plan (10-14 free checks a day).
@alexrubens there are some trick and tips like using the US Proxy server and the Web-Monitor mode (as opposed to visual). You can always revert to the extension. Please write us at for assistance!
@david_west camelcamelcamel may actually be better for amazon prices. that even gives you a graph of historical price changes. visualping good for everything else
@_jacksmith I glanced at camelcamelcamel the other day but figured I didn't have enough humps. i.e. it's in need of a bit of a makeover. Will sneak another peek though.
@sergesalager Thanks! Looks super easy to use and very generous to offer 2 pages a day foreverandeverandevermore. Hoping to get some good use out of it so just signed-up.
Thank @_jacksmith - Excited to share our most important upgrade since the launch our our Chrome extension last year.
We now allow users to track changes by selecting a web-element as opposed to an crop area on a website.
You still get 2 sets of images in your inbox: before and after the change.
The big advantage is that it reduces the number of false alarms any up to 90% for some of the most difficult sites to track.
@sergesalager You flatter me lol ;) My kids say the same thing. There were 3 of you back then, I recall, all European. Still together? Would love to see your story on Indiehackers.
It occurs to me that it would be cool to collect user numbers all in one place to show them off. It would be a great incentive to get people to try out new services and a great way to find initial users. If that interests anyone here, feel free to say hello.
@apples_over_oranges cool idea. And yes, the original crew is still around but they asked for help into commercializing Visualping which is what I am trying to do. I am French working out of Vancouver with Carole in customer support and Max and Sam working on the apps (Chrome, iOS and Android).
@huyzing thanks for the note. As you'll see if you compare the two tools, Change Detection doesn't allow you to select an area of the page to monitor and thus prone to many false alarms. In Visualping's case, you can select a price point and only be alerted when this web-element changes. We also send you a snapshot of what changed with a highlight so more user friendly. We need more computing power than Change Detection and hence why our free plan is limited. But as mentioned above, we'll be more generous as soon as we can afford it.
@nassaraf now I understand why the path followed by airplanes is not exactly curved ; - ) Fascinating you could model this. Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you need any help.
Visualping is great, thanks. I use it to track products that are often on sale, like on my local liquor store site, and I hate paying full price when I know that. I can barely imagine how many other kinds of uses you could get here.
Thanks @elamazurkiewicz. We are planning next an iOS and Android app as ways to monitor password protected sites (using your credentials of course). Any ideas welcomed.
@rasmus1610, you are right: defacing is a popular use case. None of the website uptime monitors will let you know whether the page is displaying something different than what it supposed to display.
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