Adrien Montcoudiol

Friend Theory - Connect with your friends' friends

Friend Theory is a map-based app that connects you to your friends of friends and your community buddies network so you can always find and connect with a trustworthy connection anywhere in the world.

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Adrien Montcoudiol
Truly a great idea to help people connect with locals while traveling! Love it.
Carlos Costa
Thanks for hunting us @adrienm ! I'm Carlos, one of the founders of Friend Theory and we are very excited to be on Product Hunt today! Our goal at Friend Theory is to inspire and make travel accessible to everyone. Traveling helps you put life into perspective and opens your mind to what the world is like outside of your comfort zone. We hope that by connecting you to your friends of friends and likeminded people around the world, we will break down the barriers of traveling. Fear of the unknown is one of the biggest travel barriers and through Friend Theory we are making it much easier to get on a plane knowing that you have a friend when you touch down. We are a very passionate group of friends working on this, in fact we spent 40 days around Europe staying with friends of friends testing an early version of the concept, and have been evolving the concept to a more social product ever since! I'd love to hear your thoughts, and if you have any questions or feedback feel free to email me at
Carlo Spada
@adrienm Thank you so much Adrien! 🙌🏼 We are 3 friends who one day decided to start building the product we would've loved to have when we started traveling the world. Today our community is already spread across 155 countries and we're so excited to help fellow Hunters to connect with each other while traveling :)
Hari Amogh
Been following these guys since the beginning. This is a brilliant solution to finding cheap stays and connecting with locals around the world! Kudos, you guys! @carloscosta
Carlo Spada
@hariamogh Thank you so much Hari! Always exciting to hear from our pioneer members 🙏🏼Exciting times coming up at Friend Theory!
Carlos Costa
@hariamogh Amazing! We just created a Product Hunt community within Friend Theory, if you want to join it the password is "producthunt" :)
Marc Calvo Burriel
Astonishing idea to meet new people while discovering new geographies
Carlos Costa
@marc_calvo_burriel glad you like it!
Carlo Spada
@marc_calvo_burriel Thanks Marc!! Feel free to send us any feedback you may have! 😊
joaquin ibanez

Knowing a new country or city is something that I love, sadly cannot do it as much as i would love. Its a completely different the experience when you know someone and this is the simplest way i know to do it, facebook groups used to be useful but every time i get into them they feel like a flea market, everyone selling their own stuff


I used to rely on Yelp to get to know a place, now i meet people through this.(Tinder is not the type of relationship i look for).


I am not fan of the Couchsurfing philosophy, thankfully this service is moving away from that into a Network to meet people.

Carlo Spada
Thank you so much for your feedback Joaquin!! 😊🙏🏼
Guillaume Prévost
I'm so glad our App is now out here after spending the past year building up the website then the App, trying it out travelling around the world and meeting with amazing people, old and new friends! Very happy to see people getting around this idea and the love being shared! 💕
Omri Wislizki

Recommend downloading


Cool new way to travel and explore local experiences and people. Had some great connections thank to the app


I guess the only con is that not too many people Have heard about it yet. The more the better!

Natalie A

What an awesome and raw idea, love how it's being brought to life and can't wait to use it on my next international trip!


Access to a community of people who think alike along with AWESOME travel recommendations - whats not to like.


nothing yet!

Adam Stone
Congrats! How do you get around the network effect problem of reaching a critical mass with a platform like this?
Carlos Costa
@stoneadam Hey! The way we are going around it is by having communities of likeminded people within the app, so initially you can start growing your network by joining an exiting community that's been created such as the Product Hunt community :)
Tom James
Amazing idea with a beautifully designed app! Really keen to see how it develops :)
Carlos Costa
@tom_james4 Glad you like it!
Rachel Bero
Met the founders living in Hong Kong and have been so inspired by their purpose, intentions, travels, and love for PEOPLE ... I begged them for a job this year. Using tech to bring people together in a meaningful way is legendary... our world needs more of this!
Borja Solé
Great idea! I would say that the best part of it is that you connect with locals in a way you'll never do staying with Airbnb or in a hotel.
Ángel Pérez
Hope you guys like the app! We are working hard everyday to make travelling more fun, accessible and sustainable 🙌
Fred Leeming
really innovative product making real use of the network effect! Been a big fan for a while, amazing brand as well as really intuitive tech.
Carlos Costa
@fred_leeming Thanks for the feedback Fred!
Drew Meyers
Super super super passionate that a private home sharing app can help the world's empathy and loneliness challenges. Curious how you plan to monetize this to make it sustainable?
Carlos Costa
@drewmeyers Hey Drew! Good to hear we are on the same mission! We initially focused on private home exchange but saw a lot of value in different verticals such as local travel tips or meetups! We have some plans to monetize it in the future to make it sustainable, however right now we are focusing on growing the network so people get a lot more value out of it!
Drew Meyers
@carloscosta Unless you're playing the "raise massive amounts of cash game" or "We're going to be a non profit game," I would urge you not to wait to monetize... I've seen far too many similar approaches fall by the wayside (myself/Horizon included) because they ran out of energy hoping the long term network effects would happen (without a way to sustain themselves in the meantime).
James Futhey
Really interesting, but can I see all my friends & connections when I visit a place, or do they have to sign up? More interested in catching up with everyone, not going to ask to crash on their bed.
Carlos Costa
@futhey Hey James! As of now, your friends and friends of friends need to be signed up in order to see them. This is to make sure everyone we build a strong and engaged community from the start.
Raphael Allstadt
Super cool! I heard about you already from a friend in Madrid - great thing, good luck on your journey!
Carlos Costa
@raphael_allstadt Awesome!! Glad to see word of mouth is spreading 🔥
Ангел Вълков
Great idea!
Pablo Ocaña

I think the best part is that you can connect with your friend's network, so you can rely on that relationship and the experience with that person will be better. Communities are awesome, they let you connect to people that it's difficult in other way.


You can connect with people around the world, using your or your friends network, which is awesome, secure. Communities are a plus!


It can be improved if we all spread the voice and the map will be full of new connections!

Great idea!