Discover Vision Pro apps
Brinlee Kidd

Visionpedia — Discover Vision Pro apps

We compiled the best Vision Pro apps (since you can't search for Vision Pro apps) on the app store

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Brinlee Kidd
Yo! What's up XR enthusiasts :) Over the weekend a couple of buddies and I decided to rebuild the Vision Pro app store on a web browser since you can't search for 'vision pro apps'. We also meet bi-weekly to discuss ideas for XR's future/things we could build. If you want to be a part of our community, there's a sign-up on the site :) Let's goooo <3
Garen Orchyan
Great job team, looks super. Best of luck to you today ♥️🦄
Endah Laras
Congrats on the launch!
Vicky Yuan
Looks really cool. Hey, we're launch buddies - congrats!