Justin Potts

Visible - It's phone service. In an app.

Visible is a phone service in an app. $40/mo all-in for unlimited data, messages and minutes all on Verizon's 4G LTE network.

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Denny Dai
Up to 5Mbps
Mattan Ingram
@cndaihan One day companies will realize how much happier potential customers are when details like this are presented front and center, not hidden in the fine print.
Connor Van Ooyen
@cndaihan Is this good or bad? I have no frame of reference.
Tom Moor
Top Product
@cndaihan @connorvo on TMobile in SF - just did a speed test and it was 2.5Mbps on LTE
Jonathan Laniado
@cndaihan @connorvo @tommoor I just got 10 Mbps on T-Mobile LTE with ONE bar. Proof: Tl;DR: 5 mbps is trash.
Tom Moor
Top Product
@cndaihan @connorvo @jonathanlaniado Not in San Francisco I guess? T-Mobile is particularly terrible here.
I don't care how cheap Verizon is, I will never support them due to their lobbying for the repeal of net neutrality.
Anthony Da Mota
That's interesting how France is way more advanced on this since we have offers from 1€ to 20€/month (+ usage in Europe and calls to Europe and some countries like the USA) for unlimited everything 🤔 However, I am curious why other countries won't follow France on it (maybe they can't because something is too expensive?)
Maxime Doucet-Benoit
@akdm_ France is a TINY country with insanely high population density. The cost of infrastructure is nothing, therefore you can have low cost plans like this. Now look at Canada, where infrastructure is super hard to maintain because of cold and terrain, plus the fact that we need 1000 times more towers to cover our country, and our population density if laughably low, and an unlimited calls/text with 10G of data is about $120 dollars a month. Literally no one offers unlimited data here.
Pillow John
@akdm_ If Americans WILL pay for it, then there is no reason to lower prices.
Anthony Da Mota
@maxime_doucet_benoit You're totally correct! @arecenello Sure, but in France, Orange; SFR and Bouygues (the three carriers) were doing prices between 30-80€/month for like 1-2h of calls; unlimited texts and 1-2Gb of data. In 2012 Free became the fourth carrier and broke the prices in ~3 (today they offer unlimited everything for 19€/m or 15€/m when you subscribe to they triple play Internet box too). All three other carriers now have similar offers between 5 and 25€/m. I hope there will be a Xavier Niel for you, Americans!
Chad Reiser
@akdm_ I know of two main reasons, both surround infrastructure. In the USA there is a huge amount of land to cover meaning more towers, more maintenance, more hardware expense. But that’s not entirely the main reason. The second is the marketplace allows for to charge a much higher price for the same service you may get in France. For deutsche telekom (T-mobile in the USA) this means they can charge high margins in the USA and supplement other markets with the cash. Many international carriers and markets benefit from Americans paying $100 a month for cell service.
Jigyanshu Rout
@akdm_ You should know about Jio in India where a GB costs less than a candy. India is way ahead of you folks
Brian Lee
Will they throttle you after you use up a certain amount of bandwidth?
@kay0stheory It’s the same speed, all month long, no matter your usage. Technically speaking, it’s up to 5 Mbps which is more than what you need to do everything you do on your phone.
Michael Reynolds
@kay0stheory @visible @bryceoflife Clearly millennials aren't impatient at all and are used to waiting for everything in life.
Gary Bacon
@kay0stheory @visible @bryceoflife Yea. That's really slow. I consistently get 35 Mbps on my AT&T plan.
Hayden Evans
@kay0stheory @visible How can anyone possibly think that 5Mbps down is a passable speed for mobile these days? People are playing videos from YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc - constantly. 5Mbps down would be excruciatingly slow for video content like that. It's absolutely absurd.
Brandon Hoffman

Don't sign up with Visible. I got the sim card yesterday. The service is slow as slow can be. Loading websites is PAINFUL. Their app sucks. Their customer support sucks even worse. I for instance ordered the sim car with a new number so I could TRY the service without cancelling my verizon account. Did you know you can't port a number later? You didn't? Well how the hell would you? Every other service allows that. Their customer support is flippant and unhelpful. They would not offer a refund. AVOID!




Very Very Slow To Load Website - AWFUL Customer Service - Can't Port a Phone Number AFTER you sign up to TRY the service....only at signup

Catherine Schultz-England
I’ve been trying to port my old number that I ported to Visible to a carrier that will actually give me working service. Visible won’t respond on their chat or Messenger what my account or PIN numbers are. I’m ready to give up my phone number of the last decade, just so I can get working service elsewhere. What a nightmare!
Ben Tossell
Is there a global alternative? Because there needs to be
Daylen Sawchuk
@bentossell In Canada, Shaw-owned Freedom Mobile offers 10GB of 4G and unlimited global text for $50/month. Also, a certain amount of that data can be used in the US.
Binoy Xavier Joy
@bentossell Global alternatives are usually not from the telecos themselves, instead from the MVNOs selling data/ voice packs.
Ben Tossell
@amnashamimnyc cant use google fi with an iphone though can you? :(
Nick Nish
@amnashamimnyc @bentossell Unfortunately you still need one of the modern Android phones. Pixel, Moto, or Nexus
Amna Shamim
@bentossell @diegozaks1 Hey. Wow am I bad at seeing these responses. And that's not really true. Fi runs on an iPhone. The SIM just has to be activated on a Google approved device.
Om Suthar
It's almost insulting what verizon thinks of 'millenials'
Christian Vanderbeck
@designom84 Finally, a network in which whites AND blacks can talk on. At the same time. To each other. According to their clearly pandering photos, this is what traditional corporations have been missing all along. Smiley faces + white person + 1 nonwhite person = millennial friendly. smh
Lance Scadden
@pottsjustin Do you have any invite codes?
Shubhankar Kahali
@lancescadden1 @gaurav_kumar6 Verizon is a US based company, them are not available in India and I doubt if it will ever be. In India we have Jio as an alternative I guess.
If this is indeed from Verizon... trying to imagine the internal politics before or long after this is released... how could a incumbent create such a disruptive product touching its own profit margin and be ok with it? What’s the thinking behind this? Differentiated markets?
Daylen Sawchuk
@randomor For the same reason that airlines also have budget brands, they appeal to different people. The budget sector is definitely lagging in the US, but I included an image of wireless carriers in Canada. Having budget brands prevents newcomers from stealing away market share.
Nick Nish
@randomor If it really is targeted at millennials like it seems to be, then it could be telling of their strategy to regain the millennial market. I imagine they're probably losing it to competitors like T-Mobile, which has a much friendlier, younger-looking brand identity imo.
Hayden Evans
Lmao 5Mbps?! Go f*** yourself Verizon.
Ryan Hoover
I was surprised to hear this is from Verizon. I couldn't find any mention of them on the site itself. While it's in private beta, I'm curious to hear from people that have used it.
Binoy Xavier Joy
@rrhoover To make it appealing to the millennials, it's better to shed that incumbent tag :)
Jason Sooter
I'll keep my Google Fi and be comfortably happy sending F*** Verizon smoke signals when I feel so inclined

When you sign up for cellphone service the expectation is that you'll have reliable - wait for it - cellphone service. With Visible, you don't get that. Not only is the reception bad, but customer service is extremely unhelpful. They offer apologies instead of solutions and would rather lose a customer then issue a simple account credit. Looking for a new provider? Look at Ting.


good marketing, sim card tool


cellphone service, customer service

James R Harvey

Signed up on a Thursday and received email that phone line transferred on same day. At this point, while still on old carrier, half my text contacts could not text me (though I could still contact them). Tried to log back into Visible App at this, but would not accept password and had to reset. Emailed reset link would not work (which Visible said was a known issue) and it took until Tuesday to resolve that. SIM arrived overnight on Friday. Tried to use SIM multiple times from Friday until Wednesday but service would not activate. App still hung up on "waiting for phone line transfer" and customer service indicated they need another day or two to resolve issue. Taking a week to activate a phone line was too long for me


Non - Visible never got it to work after 6 days


No 24 hr cust or tech service. Coding/App errors. Not enough workers to resolve issues in a timely manner. Not yet a usable phone service

Dara Kiel

When I first recieved my phone, I was unable to activate the sim card. My number had already been transfered so I was left without a phone. It took them a week to resolve this. A couple of months later, my phone service just randomly stopped working but I could still recieve texts. They offered no solution for 2 weeks, then sent me a new sim card. However, that still didn't resolve the issue and my texting stopped working as well. It has now been another week and they have not resolved the issue bringing the total time I havce been without service with Visible to an entire month. Everytime I contact customer service, they say they will email me in either 24-48 hours or 3-5 days. I contact them again when that time has passes, and they tell me the same thing again. I tried so hard to like this company, but they can't even provide me with basic phone service.




Doesn't work

Catherine Schultz-England
I’ve had no working service for three weeks, with the exception of a few hours of random service.
Sagiv Ofek
This is so typical to mobile carriers. They try to attract the new generation by shiny logos and use the same deceiving techniches of hiding important details between the lines. Guess what? It won't fly with us! #only5mb
Heather Horsey
Hey @sagivo - Visible is not trying to hide our speed. It's right on the coverage page in big bold type. https://www.bevisible.com/coverage. 5 Mbps is more than you need to do anything you'd want to do on your phone.
Hayden Evans
@sagivo @heatherhorsey "5 Mbps is more than you need to do anything you'd want to do on your phone." Unless you want to watch any sort of decent quality video on that smartphone with a high quality display you spent so much on lmao
@sagivo @heatherhorsey I agree more than enough I’ve done speed test and I get 7mpbs The only time I really I see any delays in anything is when I’m downloading apps but usually 10 to 15 seconds which isn’t a big deal to me and I get great service outside of that and I use Hulu consistently
Aaron Krall
Visible customer here (of one day so far). I've been on Verizon for a few years, and every year or so my wife and downgrade to a smaller data plan to cut costs. We pay $40 plus each, plus taxes and fees (about $89 total) for unlimited talk, text and 2GB shared data per month. When we max our data out (which usually happens halfway through the month) we go into "safety mode" which brings our speeds down to 128 Kbps (which is free, but completely unusable). So, I signed up yesterday, got the SIM mailed to me today and have been using it all day. I've been streaming YouTube videos, checking email, Redditing and image searching, and I cannot tell the difference between 20 Mbs (which was my LTE speed before) and the new speeds (which just clocked at 5.71 Mbps). Noted, I don't use or need the Hotspot and I live in Salt Lake City, so this has worked out great for me. As far as I'm concerned, unlimited 5 Mbps for my phone is more than enough (although I had my doubts) and I'm really happy with the service and experience so far. Notes: - It's $40/mo flat, no taxes or fees - I wasn't on a Verizon contract so the service moved me over automatically without any penalties - I wasn't paying off a device either, so I'm not sure how that would work
Paul Kalish

This company lies and ties up your money and never refunds your money for service that they cannot provide! THIS IS A BIG SCAM!!!!




If you want to buy a pile of crap purchase this! Your refund will take a few months after they cannot provide you service.

Hina K. Huynh

I am extremely disappointed and I would even complain to Visibles higher up if I could but unfortunately due to the company's policies it only allows communication via chat. However, customer service was all over the place. I had to go through about 10 chat sessions before anyone could actually get something done. I initially signed up for the service, excited considering their promotion at the time but they mislabeled my start kit and I had to go through hoops to even get my money back. The package couldn't be delivered and when I went to FedEx to pick it up they refused to release it to me because "shipper policies" and therefore had to be returned to Visible. I contacted Visible and told them the situation to be told that upon receipt of the return, they will remail the device to me. I tracked the decide every step of the way and as soon as I saw it was delivered back to them I contacted them and they told me they need to reprocess the item, and then refund me, and then they will send me an email prompting me to redo the whole process. What a headache! I waited a total of 3 weeks for this whole process and still haven't received a new device. I ultimately opted for Mint Mobile. They have decent service for a decent price minus the headache.


Price, Verizon's Network


Phone limitations, Data speed caps

Cassidy Beach
Visible is the worst mobile carrier I have used by far. It sure sounded exciting at the beginning- they overnighted me my new SIM card when I signed up. That definitely made me feel like a VIP. Everything started up pretty easily for me. However, I tried to get my wife signed up and it was a total failure. She has the exact same type of phone (iphone 7) as I do, but for some reason they couldn't make it work on hers. Eventually, she gave up and signed up with a different carrier. Things were working out ok for me, but I started to notice that Visible service was a bit slow, despite being on the blue-chip Verizon network. I had an instant comparison, because my work phone (also iphone 7) runs Verizon. Reception was worse with Visible, and data lagged. Then suddenly my Visible data stopped working altogether. I could not even send text messages that were not iMessages, let alone load a website when not on wifi. I tried contacting Visible customer service to sort this out, but no customer care rep ever replied to me on Live Chat, either through the Visible app or through the website. Of course, they also do not have a customer service phone number. Bizarrely, Visible just mailed me a box of branded Visible gear as a "gift." It contained a Visible logo hat, Visible logo aviator sunglasses and a Visible logo water bottle. I feel like these were extras left over from their latest corporate retreat. This was pretty tone-deaf. I do not want their branded corporate crap. All of this is going straight to the landfill. 100% awful for the environment. I would much rather have had a discount on my next bill (or a smidgen of actual customer care) than a hat with their logo on it. Visible puts out a poor product and has nonexistent customer service. I just gave up and switched to a different carrier. STAY AWAY! PROS: *new SIM card ships out fast *in theory, you get access to Verizon's great network at a low cost CONS: *virtually zero customer support *general serious technical issues all around *data stopped working for me and was not fixed...without data even the low price is a bad deal