Paul McBurney Jr

City Guesser - A GeoGuessr spinoff that utilizes real life footage

City Guesser is a spinoff of GeoGuessr that drops you in a random location to have users guess where they are at. However, what makes City Guesser special is that we utilize real footage of the location. You'll see cars moving, people walking, and hear noises!

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Monsieur Z
Hi Paul ! Wonderful idea! I was unable though to play city guesser on my iPad but I was able to drive around in different cities. Also, I plead with you, would you relist “San Fran” as “San Francisco”? Please ? Thank you
Paul McBurney Jr
@michaelt125 Yeah, I wanted to make it short so the text wouldn't wrap to the next line. But that change can easily be made. :)
Paul McBurney Jr
Hi ProductHunt Users! My name is Paul and I built City Guesser, a GeoGuessr spinoff that utilizes real footage of different locations. I noticed that GeoGuessr was behind a paywall ($2 a month) and wanted to create something that everyone can access for free! City Guesser also serves as a platform for fun, as well as a place to give certain creators a place to share their "walking" content!
Irfan Khan
This was a lot of fun ! Can you make it keep score?:)
Paul McBurney Jr
@khan95osu0 I'm going to implement a scoreboard sooner or later :D
nom de plume
this is SO SO fun!! thank you :) can't wait to play this with my siblings today
Paul McBurney Jr
@nomdeplume818 Thanks for the nice words! I really appreciate it. :)
Brian Morearty
This is really fun! I loved GeoGuesser and this is a great alternative. After playing it for 5 minutes, my only frustration is the very slow-loading zooming and panning of the maps.
Paul McBurney Jr
@bmorearty Hey Brian. Sorry for the late reply. What's going on with the maps? Is it just loading the map tiles slowly?
Brian Morearty
@yesterdaytoday Yes, the map tiles load very slowly. I know it’s a third party mapping platform but it interferes with the game enjoyment too much.