Vine looks a lot more like an app I love named Mindie. I wrote about how its 10-second music videos make you feel so badass shortly after its launch nearly 2 years ago. Vine seems to be replicating this feeling.
This is a smart move. This opens more monetization channels through music discovery and empowers their massive community to do more of what they've been doing but better (so many Vine videos dub music in the background).
Looking forward to playing with this. Read more about Vine's update on their blog.
UPDATE: I just tried it for the first time and to be honest, it doesn't feel as lively and musical as Mindie. The smaller square videos, missing slow/fast mo, and lack of filters makes my "music videos" much less engaging than Mindie.
@rrhoover In regards to your update, Mindie was more like snapchat than Music on Vine; creators on Vine don't necessarily use music in the same context as creators did on Mindie.
@brandonjgeo@rrhoover I think as mindie grew and integrated a snapchat posting feature that it felt a little more snapchatty at times. But I've always seen mindie used very creatively and artistically...which is how it started. And There are still many talented story tellers on mindie. And I'm excited that vine has added music, music always brings out the best creatively.
@jacksondahl musically app is almost an exact replica of mindie (nothing against them). I didn't like the design as much, but the community engagement and interaction was pretty great.
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