Omar Elfanek

Floating Cloud - A magnetically levitating ambient lamp.


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Emily Hodgins
I adore this but sadly $4,620 is too steep for this gal's pockets. Any chance of a cheeky PH discount? 🙃😻
Ian Smith
@ems_hodge +1. A cheeky PH discount of $4,000 would nearly seal the deal for me.
Wow, what a thing for the 1% folks, what waste of money. Make a charitable donation instead.
Richard Clarkson
Thanks so much for the feedback! Please feel free to ask any questions if you have them! We have been working on this one for close to two years now, and are so excited to finally share it!
Emily Hodgins
@richard_clarkson hey Richard! This product is so beautiful 😘 I think I would stare at all day if I owned one. The general feedback so far is generally that it's a wonderful and lovely item, but pretty expensive. Will you be running any promotions or discounts for select groups, or is this a fixed price? Also, what's the cloud made from?
Konrad Musial
@richard_clarkson Really beautiful product, but unfortunately two years may be too long for our fast-paced world. There are just too many inexpensive floating lamps now, even levitating plants, if you check on Google. Obviously they can't be compared, but they do diminish the uniqueness factor.
Richard Clarkson
@konrad_lv Hi Konrad, thanks for the feedback. We released a prototype video earlier in feb which did really well, resulting in large interest. We have already sold a few units since releasing this yesterday :) This is a collaboration we did with a company to bring out a different version of our lamp - we have been making and selling clouds for just over 3 years now.
Richard Clarkson
@ems_hodge Thanks so much! We are well aware that that would be the general feedback - our studio focusses on small runs of high end products. The electromagnetic base in this cloud costs us close to 2K just for the base, so you can see how the price would add up pretty quickly. At this stage we are just doing a limited run of the clouds so will not be offering any promotions - the margins on it aren't really high enough for us to have any wiggle room :) It's a hypo allergenic fibre which has been sprayed with a setting agent.
Emily Hodgins
@richard_clarkson thanks for the detail Richard. It's a lovely lovely thing. Wish electromagnetic bases cost less! One day 🙏
Jeff Nolan
It should rain and make a rainbow for $4,620
Roman Dubinin
My cat will LOVE to play with this marvellous new toy
Roman Dubinin
@ninjinka Exactly my point: if you have pets, kids or you are just clumsy - this $4.5k investment will not survive an even couple of days...
Seth Kerr
Cool, but not $4,620 cool. 🙃
Andrew F. Turner
The amount of naivety in the comments is astounding! At almost 5k, this is pretty clearly not a general consumer product. It's in a very specific niche and if you don't see yourself buying it, you aren't their target consumer. Think it's a waste of money? Close the damn tab.
rotem gal
@andrewfturnerjr I highly doubt the majority of PH users are the targeted audience for this product. With that being said, I'm closing the damn tab.
Beth Ziesenis
I guess if you can afford four grand for this device, you can afford the staff to pick out the cat hair and dust from the cloud.
Adam Shapiro
$4,620??? Lolololz. I thought this dumb toy would be like $100. I would seriously question the sanity of anyone who buys this.
Luke Hamilton
Love this, any change of a PH discount for the smaller items in the shop? I.e. the tiny cloud? The larger stuff is a little out of my budget.
Richard Clarkson
@lukemhamilton If you use the code "HELLO" that will give you a small discount! :)
Luke Hamilton
@richard_clarkson Thank you! Love your work. It's beautiful :)
Alexandre Mouriec
Like @ems_hedge $4,620 is too much for me 😅. but if you can afford it, you should know that It will work really well with the Air Bonsai and the OvrCharge next to it on a piece of furniture 🤑
Ryan Manor
I understand its positioning as a piece of art and design rather than a desk lamp, but even so...$4,600?
Richard Clarkson
@rage_rave By the time we take into account the huge cost of materials, design and labour, that's what the price comes to, which only results in a very small profit margin even at that price :)
Aaron Jackson
This is such a dope product. But sadly, my wife would kill me if I spent $5k on a lamp. Not that I have $5k to spend on anything anyways.
Cara Parrish
I'm mostly confused about how you clean it particularly if you're living/staying in a dusty area.
rotem gal
This is just amazing, I would love to see cat vs cloud gif :) With that being said, $4K for this? no way.
daniel senyard
I can't believe how cool this is, nor how expensive :(
Ben Greenwood
I wouldn't even be impressed if this was in someone's house I would be thinking why the f*** has this person spent $4,620 on it. 🙃
Ryan Abrams
Cool but for $4K?? Just buy ETH instead 📈😜
Rob Bajor
Beautiful industrial design on all the items in your shop, and I understand the challenges associated with bringing physical items to market and scaling them. As a PM I would be curious what your sourcing/supply chain looks like. As a customer, I'm not sure I would recommend this to an individual - maybe a company looking to create a very attractive office space?
Richard Clarkson
@rob_bajor Hi Rob! We do all of our sourcing ourselves - at this stage we do not want to scale up, we are happy with the 'made in house' nature of our products. The main interest we have had on this product (and the majority of our products) is for personal, in-home use. :)
Adrian Pelletier
When's the Lakitu version come out?