Avikalp Kumar Gupta

Vibinex Code-Review - A distributed process for reviewing pull requests

If your team misses delivery deadlines due to rework or resolved issues reappear in your product, then this is the tool for you. Vibinex automatically distributes the review process among developers at a code-hunk level for better quality and faster delivery.

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Avikalp Kumar Gupta
Hey everyone! Super excited to finally launch our pull-request tool today. A few months back, as a software engineer myself, I set out to fix the most frustrating problems and elevate the development experience of all software engineers. Across several companies, the most frustrating yet critical part of leading a project was setting up the code review process and getting it adopted. With Vibinex, we are making that extremely frictionless and efficient. The core feature of Vibinex is the automatic distribution and assignment of code reviewing using git history. This changes the review process from being binary (approved or not approved) to continuous (e.g. 20% approved). Some ways in which this empowers developers: 1. Identify which PRs require your review: Going through 10 PRs is a hassle. But reviewing 2 PRs that require your attention is easily manageable. 2. Partially review a PR: You don't need to review every diff in a PR, just the code-hunks that are relevant to you. With Vibinex, you don't have to worry about miscommunication. 3. Better awareness: With this new process, you review everything relevant to you in lesser time. So you never have to worry about communicating outdated information about the product to your stakeholders. PRIVACY FIRST For doing all this, we don't even ask for access to your code. Our open-source Rust program (Code: https://github.com/Alokit-Innova...) runs in your CI pipeline, parses your git history to extract only the relevant metadata (making it impossible to reproduce your code from it), and then SHA-encrypts every word in it, including your email aliases, making them unreadable, and only sends that to our servers. When you log in using our browser extension (also, open-source: https://github.com/Alokit-Innova...), we get your email aliases and match their SHA-encrypted version with the data from our backend to show you the insights. COMPATIBILITY: Code hosting: Github and Bitbucket Browsers: Chromium-based (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave etc.) Note: If your team uses a different code-hosting service or web browser and is keen on using our tool, we'd be happy to build the integrations to get you started.
Irina Haupt
Congrats on the launch! 😍 How do you ensure that the code review assignments are distributed fairly and evenly among team members?
Avikalp Gupta
@irina_haupt We current assign code blocks based on the history of the code itself, i.e. the last editor of that piece of code. But in the future, we'll extract deeper insights (like active developers, module owners & production logs etc) to enhance this distribution algorithm further. If you have any more ideas, we'd love to hear them.
Irina Haupt
@avikalp_gupta this already sounds like a great plan! Have you considered incorporating a weighted distribution algorithm that takes into account factors such as team members' expertise, workload, and availability? This would ensure a fair and balanced distribution of code review assignments based on the specific skills and capacity of each team member. I am also wondering if it would make sense to include some form of a rotation that would ensure every team member also gets to develop their skills in areas they are not proficient in (yet), so very much like ongoing training.
Avikalp Kumar Gupta
@irina_haupt Yes, but it is a little further down in our roadmap since it is quite difficult technologically to extract workload and availability without integrating with a bunch of other data sources like the team's internal communication channel (Slack, MS Teams etc.) and their task management software (JIRA, Asana, Trello, ClickUp etc.). Skill and capacity are some things that we hadn't yet thought of. Thanks for the great suggestion. Regarding the ongoing training, we are actually contemplating several ideas for using pull requests and the code itself to minimize the number of "knowledge transfer" meetings that tech team leaders have to conduct. That is the 2nd biggest problem that we have identified among dev teams. I'd love to discuss this in more detail with you if you are open to it. Feel free to drop me an email at avikalp@vibinex.com or choose any of the contact options from the footer of our website - they all reach me.
Irina Haupt
@avikalp Ah, yeah, the struggle of integrations - one of our challenges at Collato as well :) But it sounds like you've got a solid plan in place. And finding ways to reduce those knowledge transfer meetings is a brilliant idea! Your tech team will thank you for it. Going back to the rotation, I was just thinking what if team members were chosen to take turns being responsible for code reviews to promote knowledge sharing and foster a collaborative environment? Getting over my head here hahaha but will stop now and drop you an e-mail. Let's keep the conversation going!
Snehil Saluja
Looks like a real hassle saver for developers. Kudos team!
Sarvesh Raj
@avikalp and @tapish_rathore are two of the most talented and dedicated people I know. I've been following their progress for a while now, and I'm so excited to see their hard work come to fruition. Congratulations team!
Avikalp Kumar Gupta
@tapish_rathore @sarveshraj Thank you so much, Sarvesh, for your support!!
Masum Choudhuri
This product will surely solve some real issues
Congratulation on you launch.. and best of luck.
Aviral Gupta
Awesome work guys! Keep it up! Godspeed!
Shushant Lakhyani
congratulations on the launch!
Sagar Modi
Congratulations on the launch @avikalp and @tapish_rathore ! A continuous review process instead of discreet seems like such an obvious thing to have.
Shivani Shendkar
Wow, Vibinex sounds like a game changer for software engineers! 🎮 It's amazing to see how you've identified and addressed the most frustrating parts of the code review process. I love the idea of continuous code reviewing, and being able to partially review a PR is a game-changer for time management ⏰. And the privacy-first approach is a huge plus, making me feel more secure about using the tool. As a designer, I'm curious about the user interface for Vibinex. Can you share more about how it looks and feels for developers? 🤔 And are there any plans for future design updates or improvements? 🎨
Avikalp Kumar Gupta
@shivani_shendkar Hi Shivani, thank you so much for checking us out (and so accurately understanding what we are building). We definitely realise that our UX needs to be stepped up and that is the goal for the coming couple of weeks. The idea is to be completely integrated with their existing development environment to not create any distractions. Our website is not exactly a part of the everyday use of our product, but it is crucial for the first-time setup, and this is where the design needs the most work. We plan to fix that this week so that it is much easier to get started with our product for any new developer.
Shivam Verma
Congrats on the launch @avikalp , all the very best!
Really excited for this. It has touched the right strings trying to solve on of the major pain points in everyday development.
Avikalp Kumar Gupta
@pcpcpc Thanks Prashant for checking us out. Eagerly awaiting your feedback on the product as well once you use it. Please feel free to contact me if you experience any friction in setting it up for your team.
Lokesh Sharma
Congratulations @avikalp_gupta for the launch
Sahil Bansal
Congrats @avikalp on the launch!
Satyanarayan Prashar
congratulations for the launch 🎉 this is really cool, I'm definitely gonna use it for a while.
Pratyush Rai
congratulations team on the launch 👏
Srijan R Shetty
Congrats on the launch! Looks like a great product!
I love this!
Niroshan Ranapathi
How does Vibinex ensure efficient code review and prevent rework in the development process?
Avikalp Kumar Gupta
Hi @niroshnr, thanks for checking us out. To answer your question, there are multiple aspects of it: Problem 1: Developers avoid reviewing PRs: We have observed that, due to high volume and low ownership, people tend to avoid reviewing pull requests. So developers are often seen messaging and requesting other devs to review their pull requests. Using Vibinex, each developer can see which pull requests concern them, and which parts of it they have ownership of. So the workload is reduced via the distribution of work, which would lead to more devs reviewing more pull requests in general. Problem 2: Code regression: due to the volume of PRs getting merged, many times work of a developer gets overwritten while merging conflicts, which the code owner might not always be able to capture. This generally causes communication problems between the dev team and external stakeholders and sometimes it can lead to the reversal of a fix. If every dev takes responsibility for the code they have written, this will lead to a lot of saved time as well as better performance of the code in production. Problem 3: Low code awareness: We have observed that developers are only aware of the module that they have actively contributed to, and it takes them more ramp-up time to be able to contribute to a new part of the software. By being exposed to more pull requests, we believe that the general awareness of all the developers in a team about their own codebase shall increase. Leading to lesser mistakes in planning and greater alignment during execution. Let me know if you disagree with any of these. I'd be happy to learn about your views on improving the dev experience.