
VF-Community — A place for Friends of Vertical Farming and modern farming

A Platform for friends of Vertical Farming, modern farming, hydroponic, aeroponic, exchange of knowledge and diy projects. Share your experience, ask for help and present your work to business people from the Vertical Farming industry!

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Its invite only for now, if you want to join, send me a mail to "" The AVF is excited to announce the launch of the VF Community! This is a brand new specialised social network to serve as a communication platform for those interested in vertical farming, hydroponics, aquaponics, and other relevant areas. This will ultimately be an invaluable opportunity available to anyone interested in generating more highly interesting discussions and networking opportunities related to the CEA industry. The AVF recognises the important role communication and networking plays in the future success of the CEA market and expansion of its businesses. Needless to say, collaboration and discussion support more rapid development of ideas and create new opportunities and inspiration for everyone involved. It can help us to tackle the current issues together and normalise these alternative, cleaner ways of growing. For now, the VF Community is accessible on an invite-only basis: each invited person receives 20 invite codes to share. In the near future it will be open to everyone to sign up. The VF Community has a number of different features in a familiar and highly user-friendly format, including the ability to build your own profile; create and share your own blog posts, articles, polls, events and even livestreams. It also allows users to join or create specific pages, groups, and forums for longer discussions, and to promote their business.