Jay Bregman

Verifly App - $1M on-demand General Liability insurance starting at $5


Verifly delivers on-demand, by the job General Liability insurance by the job for independent workers. Buy in bite-sized pieces, from a single hour to a full month. Get insured in less than 30 seconds.

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Jay Bregman
Hi PH, We just launched a new app which delivers on-demand insurance by the job to cover the 57 million people who work independently — such as photographers, handymen, DJs, and others. As more people freelance, many clients require them to be insured. These workers need easy, mobile access to quick, inexpensive, short-term insurance so they never lose a potential job or have to call an insurance broker. Verifly delivers this in seconds for as little as $5 for one hour and one million dollars of business insurance. Who needs it? Forty percent of US workers (over 60 million people) are expected to be their own boss by 2020. In today’s litigious society, many potential clients won’t consider hiring these workers if they don’t have insurance — but, traditionally, employers bought business insurance. Moreover, many jobs are booked for the hour or the day, but the insurance industry still only sells policies by the year. Insurance hasn’t evolved to meet the needs of this burgeoning workforce, so these workers often miss out on lucrative opportunities. How Verifly works Get a policy in less than 30 seconds in three easy steps: 1. Pick your work — choose from five categories 2. Pick a time — from a single hour to a full month 3. Get insured — share certificates and land the job We created a simple, modern insurance platform from the ground up that works the way today’s gig economy worker works: on-demand, on-the-go, and by the job. Where can I get it? General Liability is available today in 11 states: Alabama, Arizona, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Utah. New states are coming online every day. Download the app and select the “Try a Demo Location” button. We would love to get your feedback and I’m happy to answer questions.
Brian Jagger
@jay_bregman We work with many independent film productions who are always scrambling for this exact type of service. Love to chat!
Jay Bregman
@briansjagger Email me jay at verifly dot com
Stefan Bielau
Great service for everyone in the gig-conomy (is that even a word?). True entrepreneurial spririt align in a mobile-first business. Love it!
Jennifer Shinn

If you need an affordable general insurance policy for a short period of time this is the best place to get it.


Easy to purchase and affordable! I needed coverage for a few hours.


Some states don't have coverage yet.


Insurance isn’t the sexiest space, but for anyone who has looked into getting business insurance, this verifly product is fundamentally game changing. Cool bc it matches insurance to how we work these days, by the job. Look forward to more states approving this product.


can buy insurance by the hour, affordable, lots of coverage up to $2M


More state coverage

Donny Harding
This makes complete sense. I will be sharing this with my freelancers. Great job!
Donny Harding
This makes complete sense. I will be sharing this with my freelancers. Great job!
Adam Garen

Outstanding! I know so many who have locked in long-term business insurance policies for one-off uses. This spares them the headache of calling agents and offers significant cost savings. Check it out!


Agile, on-demand solution for freelancers who benefit from flexible, short-term policies.



Mekesia Brown
Are you in NY yet?!
Vonceal Dunning
Short or long terms are available, and no unnecessary questions are asked!