Greg from VentureApp here. Thanks for posting VentureMap NYC to ProductHunt, Steve! We're excited to launch this network visualization in partnership with RRE Ventures and think it's an excellent resource for startups in and out of NYC to explore the tech ecosystem and get access to capital that they might not have been aware of prior. We also think it's pretty compelling to visualize more than 3,000 relationships between startups & investors.
If you get a chance, navigate and explore. There are maps for VCs, angels, and incubators/accelerators on the left hand rail – in NYC and Boston. On each map, you can search and/or click on a startup inside the circle or an investor on the outside of the circle to learn more, see their other connections and chat directly with them. Don't see yourself or your business on there? Signup and let us know where you should be on the map.
P.S. Our mission is to make the innovation economy more accessible and are mapping additional cities as I type. Let us know if you want your city to be next!
@sliggity amazing work - and love the one for boston too! i pinged you guys, wondering if or when you'll share the data set of companies so that people can add more color (e.g. additional company info, etc)
@passingnotes Thanks David! The data currently lives within VentureApp and it's easy to edit the company information that you belong to. However, you cannot edit another company's data, but that could change in the future - maybe a suggest edit feature...
Having that said, happy to chat over email if you have other ideas. Our goal is to keep these maps as community driven as possible. greg at ventureapp dot com.
@sliggity thanks - most of it is stuff you could do, like pulling more co data from angel, crunchbase, etc - or clearbit api to enrich profiles, and so on...alternative is to allow users to register to contribute so that you can monitor changes and edits, but that's a tedious endeavor