Julian Shapiro

How to build muscle - An engineer's guide to building muscle.

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Irshad PC
really cool stuff
Julian Shapiro
@irshadpc111 thanks, dude!
Charlie Coppinger
As a young entrepreneur who has neglected fitness for the past few years, this guide couldn't have come at a better time. I've read through it all and am going to start getting together the necessary equipment so I can dive right in. Thank you Julian, much appreciated.
Julian Shapiro
@thecoppinger My pleasure, man. I love hearing this. Keep me updated on your progress.
Joshua Dance
This is very well written! I am impressed.
Julian Shapiro
@joshdance hit me up if you have any q's on the content!
Incredibly comprehensive.
nice... have yet to read it (tldr) but I will.
Hey Julian, this piece is really cool. Can I share this on my blog? http://www.tnlounge.com/fitness if yes, kindly advice. Thanks
Julian Shapiro
@tnlounge Of course! Thanks for asking.
Gabriel Sirbu
Good content, subscribed!
Julian Shapiro
@gabriel_sirbu Appreciate it, Gabriel
Alex Abian
I have been through the guide and I am finding it really useful, no BS like in most of the resources available online! I have been training for years but I always try to find a new approach to muscle building and fitness. I like the engineer and straight forward + clean design approach.
Captain Wonkish
Nice, though your whole "Most women find the physiques shown above more attractive than the jacked physiques found on the covers of muscle magazines" thing could probably do with a slightly less heteronormative option ;).
Heidi Rushforth
I love how simple, yet comprehensive this is. Would love to share this with the Activity Club community and get a strength training challenge going.
Scott Hutcheson
Been following this guide for the past few weeks. Finding it incredibly useful. The app really helps me keep to the program. 🔥
Eddie Forson
Really cool stuff Julian. Looking forward to reading this guide and the one on startups :).
Simon Lessing
Really appreciated the guide Julian! Nice content and as a product designer I was also impressed by the design and implementation as well. Was the format as such created from scratch or did you use some framework? Having done 1000 days of cardio (yeah 3 years!) I'm now more than ready to take on strength training. This will be my bible the coming 100 days. 🙏
Julian Shapiro
@simon_lessing Sick! That's what I love to hear. Honestly do keep me updated — would love to hear how it goes. The site was built entirely on Webflow.com with a bunch of custom JavaScript for the interactions. I designed it from scratch; wasn't built off a template. Couldn't recommend Webflow more — fantastic tool.
Simon Lessing
@shapiro ha! That's so funny, I'm a huuuuge webflow fan! In fact, the past months I've spent 50% or so of my time in webflow. Guess I could've just checked your code, but I'm on an iPad when not at work :) The team there are so insanely talented, I just wish they would let me invest in the product somehow! Anyways, keep it up, you've done a fantastic job.
Julian Shapiro
@simon_lessing I used to work there :) They really are super talented. Thanks again, Simon.
Simon Lessing
@shapiro whaaaaat, why would ever leave such a place!?.. though I can imagine that Vlad & Sergie are super hardcore as leaders, Musk style... 😱
Fletcher Richman
Been following this the past month. I can confirm that it works - actually physically measuring the growth is amazing.
Асмик Карапетян
If you care about your health it is for you!))