giorgy gunawan

Veil - A minimal, yet daunting icon set for iOS 14.


Over the last two months me and my girlfriend build 120+ custom icons, built for iOS 14. Provided in in black, white, rose gold, sky blue, earth grey, and dark grey color. We also add in 6 Wallpapers to compliment the icons. We build these out of boredom.

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this is not a good name dev. the antebellum period refers to the time before the civil war to describe the culture of the slave owning south.
Jeremy Bauer
Thank you! Big cringe when I saw the name 😬, so I’m glad you pointed it out.
giorgy gunawan
@barnabybones wow did not know that, i'll change the name then. Thanks for pointing that out!
giorgy gunawan
Because of inputs from @kleerkoat and @barnabybones, I am changing the name progressively from antebellum to veil. I did not think that far off with the previous name. Sorry for those that are offended.
i was just trying to look out for you. i knew it wasn’t intentional. i immediately tried to track you down on twitter to let you know since i knew this was big for you. i didn’t want a naming mixup taint your product. good luck! i like the new name btw much better.
Despite the name, your work looks very clean. I prefer minimal icons. Nice set.
giorgy gunawan
@stef_b thank you! i'm thinking of changing the name, did not think that far about the meaning.
giorgy gunawan
Hey guys, this is my first digital product made out of boredom with my girlfriend. Any inputs and inquiries would be much appreciated.
giorgy gunawan
To celebrate veil's launch (and change of name), use voucher code PRODUCTHUNT to get 20% discount for the first 10 users!
Natalia Burhan
Love the clean design. Great work!
giorgy gunawan
@natalia_burhan Thank you!