Ben Lang

VCFML - Have VCs fund your life. Try products for free.

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Noam Szpiro
Hey guys, Elad and I decided to build VCFML when we realized how awesome it is to live in San Francisco. We were having coffee at Philz and started listing cool apps that offer free meals. We then listed a bunch of clothing apps that were offering free clothes, then moved to massages on demand, then cookies, then flowers… After our third coffee we were still naming apps. We thought we’d put them all in one place and find a good name for it. Here it is - VC Fund My Life, or in short! A curated list of coupons that actually offer awesome deals. Let us know what you think!
David Carpe
you may want to separate free from coupons as the site appears to be primarily coupons. it's a bit misleading imho.
Noam Szpiro
@passingnotes thanks for the feedback, do you mean the slogan on the site should be a little more clear?
@hellonoam @passingnotes I agree. I clicked through to the site expecting companies to be offering free products, and instead was disappointed because it looks like some RetailMeNot site.
Noam Szpiro
@ninjinka @passingnotes point taken guys, updated.
Michelle Tandler
Love this! #vcsubsidizedlife(forlife)?
Noam Szpiro
thanks @michelletandler! You should give some of those products a try.
Nikhil Kalghatgi
are you using your personal referral codes for these services?
Noam Szpiro
@nikhilkal some of those are definitely our codes, but you shouldn't need to worry about that. We just find the best deal the company has to offer and publish that. Order some free cookies, give it a shot.
Mitchell Lee
@hellonoam @nikhilkal My mind is blown by how many free cookies you're going to be able to order. I mean, you've got to be over $1k in referral credits for that... $1k worth of free cookies?!?!
@dkapchino 2014-YB35
I know it goes against the site's purpose, but I might even end up paying for some of these services after using the free coupons.
Noam Szpiro
@dkapuchino haha that's acceptable
Ben Lang
Top Product
So awesome. How about a section for time based deals? (e.g. free kambucha on Postmates, $5 meals on Uber Eats) 🙌🏻
Andreas Klinger
@benln especially for existing customers would be epic
Noam Szpiro
We've been thinking about that and locations based as well. Thanks for posting @benln!
Noam Schwartz
Very cool! Can't wait to try it out.
Rohan Vijay
Lol. One of the best captions ever!
Yair Kivaiko
This is crazy awesome!
Bhavesh Patel ✌️
Should add the ability to search by location for the local deals!
Noam Szpiro
@bhavesh Yes! We were debating about launching with or without it. it's kind of annoying searching through all coupons to see which are valid in your region. We'll work on adding locations tags/filters.
Effi Fuks
I love this service. The name cracked me also :)
Snah Desai
I love the idea and I am very much looking forward to utilizing the products featured.
Noam Szpiro
thanks for the support @s_haverford
Genady Okrain
Good idea, I'm always using new services and only later discover about discounts - storing everything in one place will hopefully help me remember :)
Looks like a great start. Waiting to see where this goes.
Or Arbel
Can you let me embed my own referral codes? that would make it even more appealing to share 😉
Noam Szpiro
@orarbel we're working on that :)
:: lawson baker ::
My friend + I talk about how VC is subsidizing living in SF via absurdly inefficient startups. This is good collection of many of them. That being said -- it looks like everyone using the referral codes will be funneling lots of referral credits to the lucky creators of this site. VCFML to the next level. Touché.
Alex Bargmann
How'd you find the data for this @Noam?
Elad Ossadon
@abargmann: @hellonoam and I have both lived in SF for a few years and used many services. We've put many of those on the site, and always looking for more things to try
Omri Toppol
Great work, get me get in Israel ;) ?
Sarthak Grover
Wow, I ended up finding out about a lot more startups in these various spaces such as Food, Home Services, than I previously thought existed. Nice!
Tom Charde
Site has major formatting issues in Firefox (45.0.2).
Elad Ossadon
@tomcharde Hi Tom, thanks for reporting! I fixed the issue.