Vaultedge AI OCR software automatically indexes loan documents, validates data, flags errors and writes data to your LOS & servicing systems. Save up to 80% of time & cost in Loan Processing, Post Close QC and servicing portfolio onboarding.
Good stuff to unify the docs cloud.
But I am very choosy when it comes to pay for services that is still not a pain point. I know this will be pain point but I will wait till then.
But to think, 1.99$ is good price to start with, study behaviour and then intro more up pricing.
I like the idea (a subset of the initial now-dead Greplin). My issue is that Vaulted is not fast enough and not smart enough to go for the "unified cloud search" crown. I deleted my account after a quick try.
@philgo20 Thanks for the feedback Philippe. When you meant not fast enough, I assume you are referring to the initial sync. That was primarily due to we not anticipating the load, if you were to try us again, we will be significantly faster although we will be slower than other search only software since we spent some time in classifying the file. I'm not sure I understand the "smart enough" part. Are you referring to not having enough integrations. In that case in 3-6 months, please revisit us, we would have covered most of the integrations including Evernote and Slack.
I was referring to both the initial sync and the search.
That second comment was referring to how you classify the documents you index. All I could see was cryptic name files so it was difficult to assess how well your document classification works.
@philgo20 Thanks Philippe for the response. We are working on improving the search speed.
I'm not sure I understand the "cryptic file name" part. Do you mean if documents are cryptically named, how the classification will work? We use the file contents to classify in addition to the name. So it doesn't matter even if the documents are not properly named. If you meant something else, please let me know. Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback.
I use Dropbox and Google Drive heavily and I cannot remember where exactly a file resides. I spend almost 10 minutes everytime I am looking for a file. I tried it and got the file in under 30 seconds. Wow!
As a professional managing multiple projects, vaultedge seems to be a realtime saver. I liked the feature of auto-organizing documents based on contexts. I would suggest serious business folks to give a try.
How does the auto-categorization work ? Is it just based on the number of keywords in the file or anymore smartness added ?. I would be keen to try your mobile app and this could be a good competitor to Google Now if my context and files are smartly arranged. I can see lot of exciting ways to grow
@trueefforts This is a great question. We run our own Naive Bayes and SVM Machine Learning code on our training dataset to classify user data. We also supplement the classification with APIs like Watson to get the best results. We are working on our Android app now, will be great if you can try the alpha version of it, What do you mean exactly when you say "arranging the context"?
@sasajeev if i am at office, vaultedge should show all my projects tags at the top instead of my financial tags. This would greatly enhance the user experience..Please add me in the alpha list.
@imjainvikas Hi Vikas, that is a great question. We have never thought about giving users multiple options. We already use multiple classifiers and pick the one with the highest accuracy. I'm not sure why would someone want to manually select one. I would like to know your thoughts.
@sasajeev Albeit the tool smartly created ones that I would use largely, there was a need for adding more granularity for some of the categories to make my search easy. Albeit it could be a very specific use case.
@imjainvikas Oh, I got it. What you need is a way to specify user created sub-categories and may be even train Vaultedge when to use that category. Sounds like an awesome usecase. We will put some thought into it to refine it further. Thanks for the great feedback.
For someone who has files across multiple platforms this is a great product. However this would only be complete if it can also work on my files on Mac.
@imjainvikas Hi Vikas, glad to know you liked Vaultedge. We are working on the windows and android app now. Mac is definitely next in the line. How about iOS, is that high on your list?
@imjainvikas Thanks for the feedback Vikas! Do you use Evernote & Slack as well? We were wondering if we need to add that along with the desktop version:)
Maybe it's just me but I never really have an issue with locating a file since I'm obsessed with keeping things organized. Business Google Drive for work. Personal Google Drive for photos. Dropbox for non-photo files. I do like that this has Slack integration (is this a bot of some sort? if so, awesome). Great job nonetheless! @sasajeev
@davidsfeng Hi David, you definitely look like way more organized than I ever was. But I'm curious how quickly are you able to locate a year old payslip or a legal document? Do you remember the filename or do you have folders against each year or in general how you go about? With Vaultedge you either search for whatever you remember about that file or go to the appropriate classification, select the tags and narrow down to the file.
@sasajeev Haha thanks! I still use the same naming structure I came up with during high school. When I need something, I have a notion of what/when/where already so I just plug those keywords in the search. I rely on services like Drive because I don't want to become to reliant on technologies that solve very specific problems. It's better to stay organized from the get-go than to go cold turkey on a great app like Vaultedge.
@davidsfeng Awesome, I agree we are building the service for the rest of us. Thanks for sharing your model, it is really helpful. As far now, my only hope to find the files is using Vaultedge.
Thanks Kevin for hunting us.
Hi Everyone - Let's cut to the chase
Ever felt hopeless about lost files & documents stored in multiple cloud accounts and you weren't able to figure out where?
Vaultedge helps you find documents from different cloud accounts like Gmail, Drive, Outlook, Dropbok. We are your private Google for private documents.
We will soon launch Desktop, Evernote and Slack integration. Support us today and get 1 year of FREE plan.
@sasajeev Could you tell me how your product differs from odrive? Additionally, your sign-up system is rejecting my email address, most likely because our domain extension is not a .com, .org etc. In 2016, in a newly launched product, this should NOT be happening.
@andreasduess Hi Andreas, that is a great question, thanks for asking. I believe odrive provides you one access to all your cloud storage, but I don't think it adds value on top of that. Vaultedge adds rich metadata by categorizing, indexing, tagging and summarizing so that you can find your data faster. I will be happy to answer if you have more questions.
Let me begin by saying I've this with sheer amount of data I consume and retain. Trying to keep our company internal knowledge base update from several disparate sources and those of the individual NPO boards on which I serve is quite a daunting task. If your company can help me do that while maintaining the security, non-disclosure and compliance requirements; you will have a long term customer.
I do have a couple of questions that maybe @sasajeev hopefully can easily answer. When I use the term "document" below it'a analogous to whatever is being "worked with documents or not".
Understanding you are simply getting a R/O connection to the data, I assume you are using machine learning to parse it and look for context (for full text search and automatic organization as you describe), is that a fair assumption?
TO Be Continued
@hgottfried (second part). Is this something in place? I know that Drobbox, Box etc. are HIPPA approved and some of them FIPS as well. However as a third party that protection doesn't extend to you.
I am also wondering what as you see is the main difference between you and say; CloudHQ, Otixo, Unclouded and CloudFuze ?? (I didn't include services that only let you add multiple sites and simply mount them).
Finally, how do you handle encrypted files and / or containers as the files can't be parsed?
It does look a great tool !! I look forward to your response !!
@hgottfried Thanks Hal for taking the time to provide feedback. I would definitely hope we will be able to help and live upto your expectations.
You are right, we get read access to your data, using machine learning to classify, index the data for search, create tags and also summarize the document.
@hgottfried We don't store the data within us, your data stays wherever it is. I think we create the richer metadata and query language than anyone else. With our classification, you can find all your bills in one place. With our still in progress Semantic query you can find all your unpaid bills or last 6 month bills.
Regarding encrypted files, they remain unclassified and unindexed by default. But we optionally allow the users to specify a list of global passwords which can be used to decrypt so that we can classify and index. I will be happy to answer in detail if you have follow up questions.
So Vault Edge makes a copy of the file too? I also didn't see feedback earlier on how you handle security for documents (e.g.: HIPPA and FIPS which can be stored on line) I'm also not seeing Evernote and all the other online storage eluded too.
@hgottfried Hi Hal, we optionally keep a copy of your documents if you enable the checkbox. This is particularly useful for offline files in desktop and portable drives since when you locate them thru Valutedge, the desktop or portable drive may not be available for Vaultedge to retrieve the file. Coming to the certifications, we don't have any yet, But we believe our storage system is very securely designed. We do not store a file in full. We break it down into smaller parts and encrypt them using unique keys. So even if someone gets access to our system, they will have to decrypt and stitch together these seemingly random parts to recreate a file. We are working on other integrations, Evernote is on the top. Let me know which other integrations you will need. Thanks again for taking the time to provide feedback.
Hey Sanjeev!
Loved the concept, would love to try it out but I am having problems signing up. The captcha pop up opens behind the sign up popup and there is no way I can do the captcha without dismissing the signup form.
@ankitmahindru Thanks Ankit for trying Vaultedge. I'm sorry the captcha is blocking you. Which browser/OS are you on? We will DM you understand the issue better. Let me know if that works.
Hey @jacilynh that is something we can do, but not sure the number of people who use Amazon Drive. Do you think a lot of people will want to integrate Amazon Drive ?
We currently support Gmail, Drive, Dropbox, Yahoo & Outlook.
Next In-line are the One Drive Integration, Android App, Desktop app
After this we'll have Evernote & Slack integrated.
@divakarpranav I can't guarantee that a lot of folks currently use it, but I tried to find a platform such as yours and there are very few options that support Amazon Drive. If you do choose to support it, it would be a competitive edge and certainly make me willing to pay for the service! With the pricing of Amazon Drive compared to other cloud storage, I've seen comments from folks who want to use it but want to go through another platform.
@jacilynh@divakarpranav Jacilyn, that is a great feedback. We will definitely look into supporting Amazon Drive. Do you have primarily documents in the Amazon drive or you need support for other files as well? Also could you please share the size of your data?
@sasajeev@divakarpranav I currently have 230 GB of data - I'm assuming that most ppl start using Amazon Drive the way I did, because a Prime membership offers free unlimited photo storage. Then when I realized that the unlimited storage was the most cost-effective option I could find, I signed up for a free trial, and searched for a way to use it without having to go through their website (it's the worst of all cloud platforms that I have encountered).
So to answer your question I have 22 GB in photos, 17 in videos, and the rest in documents.
Thanks again! Signed up for Vaultedge and will be thrilled if you're able to add Amazon Drive.
Link all your online accounts to Vaultedge and manage all your files in one platform. Vaultedge brings your documents from cloud storage, hard drive and emails into one platform. It categorizes your documents which makes it easy for you to access.