These redlines make no sense. No one in their right mind would measure how a button sits relative to the page. I'm hoping that the actual product gives dimensions between elements and not just the overall containers.
@marcintreder Glad to hear it. I assumed so, but it looked like every screenshot was saying otherwise.
Does is also give measurements in different units and respect display density?
@tomjohndesign I'm happy to announce that now UXPin Spec Mode automatically calculates sizes of elements for different screens: Already available to all trial users and customers.
Tools like this make creating things much easier! I'm curious what designers think about integrations like this that make multiple tools work better together.
@howiec thanks Howie! There's a completely new use case here that you might find very powerful. You can add any documentation to a particular pattern and save it in a team-shared library. For example, you could specify code-standards for markup, document usage of SASS mixins, or even add JS snippets associated with particular elements. Whenever designers use elements from the team library, documentation follows!
BEM, OOCSS or SMACSS? Mmm... A step in the right direction but this is still far from the consistency, reusability and self-documentation that frontend developers are looking for in their AngularJS, React, Vue.js applications imho. Too much gap.
@wilhempujar this is exactly what we're going after. The first step was to completely automate redlining and allow for building libraries of elements with attached documentation (to serve any programming language and framework). Our team is already working on even deeper use case of design-development collaboration. Stay tuned :). Thanks for the feedback!
@cemedericarak Yes, it gives you automated spec based on your design assets and you can add additional documentation to every object, or group of objects (html snippets, js, business logic).