Juan Jesús Millo

UX Database - The biggest free curated product design resources & tools

Free Product Database with more than 600+ curated products divided in 8 categories and 47 subcategories, ranging from user research to visual and interface design resources or design management, plus a product design newsletter to stay up to date.

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Juan Jesús Millo
Let me introduce you to the UX Database, an evolution of the UX Newsletter that we have been sending out since May on a weekly basis. I've always had a need to be continually looking for products that would solve my design problems and then I saw that I wasn't alone, that many were asking me how to get certain results by using tools. This is how the UX Database was born, a compendium of tools, processes and methodologies categorised into 46 sections so that you can quickly find what you need among more than 600 personally-cured products. You can always search for new products or, on the other hand, be more passive and receive a constantly evolving weekly newsletter containing product theory, tools, resources and new content and features from the UX Database. The next part is really cool; a learning roadmap on product design, all based on free multimedia material, with the aim of a person learning on their own, with this and exercises that I will design, and it is not a quick 3 month course, but a serious roadmap, starting from the basics of design and its involvement in society, not "How to use Figma" or "20 UX/UI trends 2015", but this will be for next year. Any feedback, positive or negative, please let me know at jmillo@uxdatabase.io in case you see something that is broken, any new functionality you see of value, proposals of all kinds, anything 💜 Thank you very much, you are all wonderful people.
Dario Villena
@uxdatabase @juan_jesus_millo Congratulations, one of the best tools out there, you have been doing an awesome job for the last years. Not a product of a weekend. Thanks for sharing with the community! Best of luck!
Juan Jesús Millo
@uxdatabase @juan_jesus_millo @dario_barcelona Thank you!!!! It was a project community-focused and the scope was to speed up the design process of the designers, thanks <3
Ishan Bansal
@uxdatabase This is definitely a very good resource; very comprehensive. Found a lot of hidden gems in there :)
@uxdatabase @juan_jesus_millo great resource, that's a beast!
Vladimír Seman
those illustrations are awesome! where did you get them from?
Juan Jesús Millo
@vladojsem Yeah they are pretty cool! @gregdlubacz made them ;) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Vladimír Seman
@juan_jesus_millo thank you, i will take a closer look ;-)
Greg Dlubacz
@vladojsem @gregdlubacz @juan_jesus_millo They fit nicely to your product. Great job btw! Bookmarked.
Greg Dlubacz
@juan_jesus_millo Also, just found my Flowchart kit on your resources list. Thanks :)
Juan Jesús Millo
@juan_jesus_millo @gregdlubacz Just highly valuable products <3
Paul Nica
Great resource, so many great tools. Although the list of documentation tools is missing an important one: Archbee
Filip Gres
Amazing resources! And I really like the minimalistic design, well done! Is there any way how to suggest a resource or a tool? I would love to see our Drawer (https://drawer.design) on your list <3
Juan Jesús Millo
@filipgres I will add it very soon! I would add it for now manually <3
Gene Kamenets
The most comprehensive list of UX resources out there. Great job putting it together 🔥 Can you add Uxcel in there? I think it's the only resource missing 😅
Juan Jesús Millo
@eugene_kamenets Hahahaha im gonna for sure add it!!! thanks <3
Teo Tokis
Great work @juan_jesus_millo !
Juan Jesús Millo
@juan_jesus_millo @teotokis Thank you very much!!
Axel Thomson
Great to see this @juan_jesus_millo, congrats on the launch!
Juan Jesús Millo
@juan_jesus_millo @axel_thomson Thanks!! I have to add Ribbon :D!!
@juan_jesus_millo Well done, I'll list your website on https://undesign.learn.uno, I love the design, well done!
Juan Jesús Millo
@juan_jesus_millo @sandochee That's really helpful thanks!! Im gonna add your product as well <3
Laura Sánchez
Great job, I really appreciate your contribution to the design community and your dedication towards education for all. Keep it up!
Juan Jesús Millo
@lauranieto Hahahaha thank you for your support Laura <3
Dario Raijman
Great work, thanks for this, very helpful!
Juan Jesús Millo
@raijman Thank you <3!!
Shriniket Deshmukh
Super Great List Brother, getcolordrop.com is broken though. : )
Juan Jesús Millo
@ytmp3 Oh, it says 404, let see if it's something temporal :D Thanks!!!
Max Prilutskiy
Wow, cool! 💯
Juan Jesús Millo
@prilutskiy Thank you!! Typeform is cooler for sure
Michael Andreuzza
Felicidades Juan, tiene muy buena pinta!
Yaaaay thank you for featuring UI Coach in your database.
Jingle Chen
This looks awesome! Just shared it with my peers!
Rajan Ramachandran
This is the biggest compilation of UX resources that I have ever come across. Great work and congrats @juan_jesus_millo on the launch.
Çağla Çağlar
Congratulationsss! Great resource!!!
Perfect resources : )))))
Camila Arias
Oh boy diving into this is gonna take a while! Amazing db, very much appreciated <3
Saumeen Damico
Super interesting