Julien Vicente

ushouldcome - Scheduled invitations by Text and email for events

Promote your events online, send invitations by Text and email, manage RSVP and automatic reminders, and get analytics. In 5min.
ushouldcome makes the organization of events like Open House effortless.

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Julien Vicente
Hi Product Hunt, ushouldcome co-founder here. A year ago, we decided to move from our mobile application to focus on what is really broken in the "events space" the management of invitation / response or RSVP". And we decided to focus first on the Real Estate industry, whose agents have generally tons of data! With today’s launch, we released all the core features of ushouldcome: event promotion, custom invitations, RSVP by Text and email, build up of contact database. Our roadmap is huge. Coming soon (in bulk): monthly subscription, invitations with WhatsApp, more personalization, synchronization with Zillow and much more. This community’s support means a lot to us. We would love to hear about your past experience with RSVP systems, and any ways you’d like to see us improve the product. Oh, and for those who read this part: ENJOY 75% OFF with code PRODUCT_HUNT Thank you! Julien
Edison Espinosa
this is cool! how has usage and feedback been?
Julien Vicente
@edisonjoao6871 We recently pivoted to have a particular focus on Real Estate events, like Open House, even our first clients used our service to Open stores! We had to frustrate some clients by not implementing ticketing for instance, but to bring much wanted features like the upload of 25 images and videos in the event, Zillow integration etc. Feedback have been amazing, especially when realizing that the personalization and the RSVP by TEXT msg takes 2min!