Welcome, @SamuelHulick! I'm a big fan of product teardowns and like that you're focusing specifically on one aspect of the experience (on-boarding).
Plug: I've written product "deconstructions" on Snapchat, Frontback, Mindie, and others here: http://ryanhoover.me/product-des...
How long does it take to create each piece?
My internet admittedly isn't the fastest where I am right now, but I'm a little bummed the slides take so long to load. I couldn't actually view any of the teardowns. Whoever runs this, make it faster, please!
@rrhoover Thanks for the kind words! I will also have to check out your deconstructions very soon.
Each UserOnboard teardown probably takes about 4 hours. That's 1-2hrs to go through the experience and compile my notes, then another 2-3 to produce the slideshow, publish it on the site, announce it to the email list, etc.
This is definitely a must read for every startup founder.
Make sure to check out User Onboarding *for startups* here on Product Hunt.
That’s all about practice steps to make your SaaS business succeed.
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