Ben Yoskovitz

User Onboarding - Onboarding teardowns of popular sites/services

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Ryan Hoover
This is fantastic and relevant for many of the entrepreneurs here. Also check out GoodUI (
Ben Yoskovitz
Not quite a product, but a pretty awesome resource that I've been digging into.
Samuel Hulick
Hi all! I'm super glad you wanted to share this here. If you have any questions, fire away.
Josh Elman
This is great - please keep it up or encourage others to post more too!
Ryan Hoover
FYI, @SamuelHulick just released his book, User Onboard. Here's the discussion on Product Hunt.
Kevin Li
this is awesome thanks!
Alex Petuschak
This is definitely a must read for every startup founder. Make sure to check out User Onboarding *for startups* here on Product Hunt. That’s all about practice steps to make your SaaS business succeed.
John Perkins
i've been using this a lot lately. great insights. thanks for the suggestion too, @rrhoover. some good nuggets there.
Nadia Eghbal
My internet admittedly isn't the fastest where I am right now, but I'm a little bummed the slides take so long to load. I couldn't actually view any of the teardowns. Whoever runs this, make it faster, please!
Samuel Hulick
@nayafia Please shoot me a DM at @UserOnboard - I'm not aware of any speed issues, but I'd love to get to the bottom of it for you.
Ryan Hoover
Welcome, @SamuelHulick! I'm a big fan of product teardowns and like that you're focusing specifically on one aspect of the experience (on-boarding). Plug: I've written product "deconstructions" on Snapchat, Frontback, Mindie, and others here: How long does it take to create each piece?
Samuel Hulick
@rrhoover Thanks for the kind words! I will also have to check out your deconstructions very soon. Each UserOnboard teardown probably takes about 4 hours. That's 1-2hrs to go through the experience and compile my notes, then another 2-3 to produce the slideshow, publish it on the site, announce it to the email list, etc.