✎ Andrew Warner

userinput.io - Get on-demand user feedback for your projects

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Hey everyone. This is one of my projects. I'm a big fan of feedback in order to improve conversion on sites and also for customer discovery, and I had been doing this process of written surveys manually for years, so I thought I would build a startup to automate it. I have had early users see significant improvements in conversion rate by running targeted surveys about their websites, in order to figure out what confused people, and how to make their offering and benefits more clear. With userinput.io, you can also choose the demographic that you want surveyed. I've used it myself to run customer discovery with student pilots, for an example of how specific it gets. A customer used it last night to start getting feedback specifically from journalists. And if you guys want to try it, you can use the code "producthunt" during checkout for 20% off any order! Let me know if you have questions!
@kevinyun Sounds good! Thank you
@pedram92d Thanks Pedram!
@vacord I like this tool very much! Based on the comps to usertesting.com, I find the features, functions and versatility of userinput.io to be superior and more suitable for our in-house use, as well as for targeting feedback when developing our B2B tech clients' projects. I haven't looked at the mobile app yet - but will bc I would def use that. Keep me posted re: the questions guide. This is one to watch!:)
Randhir  Vieira
@vacord One of the differentiators over Usertesting.com or Validately seems to be the ability to recruit very narrow B2B type customers. This is definitely interesting. Where/how are you recruiting these folks?
Pascal Briod
I used UserInputs several times to get feedbacks for our website www.tawipay.com. Stuart was very helpful and flexible for the set-up of my tests (I had some pretty specific requirements), and the results I got were really interesting. It is pretty basic (at the time I tested it, a few months ago, may have change now ?), as you directly receive an excel spreadsheet with the raw results, but it makes the job !
@pbriod Hey Pascal! That was a wizard of Oz MVP I was running then, to validate. It's all fancy now! Automated and no more excel spreadsheets ever. I didn't think I gave you those back then even, as I was still formatting to a webpage even for those alpha users. But thanks for being one of our first customers :)
Pascal Briod
@vacord Great to hear that ! And congrats on your success on ProductHunt today ! I will try to run a new test to see what you have to offer now ;-)
@pbriod That sounds good! Email me if you have any questions
Henry Bernsen
Interesting product. The logo is very Jet like...
@hnrybrnsn Is it being Jet like a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not much of a logo designer, but that seemed to work.
Henry Bernsen
@vacord From a branding standpoint, the design and the color are very similar. That's where my mind went after first seeing it. You've got a great product, wouldn't just want there to be any confusion!
@hnrybrnsn oh whoa, I hadn't actually seen their logo. Or even heard of Jet. But I just found the logo you are talking about. Yes, similar. I think perhaps we were both inspired by Diplo's logo that looks like Ü
Nidhi V Shandilya
Great job @vacord! have you heard of usertesting.com? besides pricing what other advantages do you have over them? How are you different?
@nidhi_v_shandilya Sure, yeah, I used usertesting.com before. A few ways this is different: - I am not sure if they let you specify what demographic you want, but you can do that with userinput.io at no extra charge - they are video feedback from one person at a time, we are written feedback from 10, 25, or 50 people at a time - We also have a concierge service in which I'll talk about what issues you're having with your site, figure out what questions you should ask, then analyze the feedback and make recommendations for the site - We can run feedback for mobile apps, not sure they do that - And our system can be used to run surveys about a general business idea, or for customer discovery. That's not something they do. - We also give a higher percentage of our gross revenue to our reviewers than usertesting does I think that's most of it. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Nidhi V Shandilya
@vacord I think they do #1, 2, 3 and 4 pretty well - but yours is better from price standpoint. I'd also like video more than written ideally but if it is prohibitively expensive I'd rather do a mix of both. So I think you two both provide value - just to different segments. Also, providing feedback on idea is great - clearly you differentiate yourself here - however, I guess much more than the idea - asking the right questions (w.r.t pain points) is of prime importance in user research - hope you're bringing attention that as well. Kudos on last point. I'm rooting for you guys! user testing shouldn't be so expensive and exclusive so you clearly have a space here.
@nidhi_v_shandilya Yeah, I try to have suggestions of the best questions to ask for each order type, but I should write a guide to effective questions, because that's really half the battle.
Aaron Hanson
@vacord is one hell of a guy and userinput has been so helpful the few times I have used it. Congrats on the PH launch! You deserve it.
@crixlet Yeah! thanks Aaron. Check your email!
Simon St John
I think this is an excellent initiative, which I will definitely consider using. I have not seen this approach before...it gives independent feedback from people outside the design/coding ecosystem and startup bubble we can often be trapped in and also frees comment from the subjectivity of actual customers who might be giving objections that mask their real reason for not coming onboard. A good option to add to the mix of feedback.
@simonstjohn Yeah it's nice to reach out to regular people and not just startup folks and designers!
Celso Pinto
I wish this came into my radar like, 2 months ago... Still, looks extremely valuable for getting feedback from the target market segments, whereas other tools out there really struggle with segmentation.
@cpinto sorry you didn't know before! It can always be used later on in the startup life cycle, to improve conversion, or find content/blog topic ideas.
Good project, but a tad expensive in my view.
@sid_thinketh Hey Siddharth, sets of reviews come from at least 10 people, who are all paid, so it has to have some cost involved. Sorry that you think it's too expensive!
This could be great if branching beyond the beta testing stage that @ErliBird focuses on, but site looks like it could use some UX feedback - to be a bit clearer & demo competence.
@elizabethhunker Yeah I know. I'm not the greatest front-end designer. Do you like the whiteboard type explainer videos? I really want to add one of those to the front page.
Kalo Yankulov
@vacord, thanks for providing the discount for PH users! Tried the service and here's my candid review. Hope it helps you to improve UserInput First, the good parts: • Extremely cheap. 10 pack of answers for just $29 is a bargain! Hardly could beat the price. Especially with the PH discount code. • Blazingly fast! The answers came in like almost instantly. Took less than 2 hours for 10 answers. And my audience was niche - "SEOs and content marketers." Now the bad: • No context provided for interviewees. If you're doing Cus. Dev. for a startup you want to know who you're talking to. Without any context provided for the users who answer the survey, it's hard to make any assumptions or make sure you're getting answers from a targeted audience. • The quality of answers was bad. Most of them were generic; some looked like pre-generated answers. There were some blatant things like interviewee getting the name of the company/site for which the survey is made wrong. Or contradicting themselves in a single line like: "..or somehow work with the 14-day free trial and maybe a little beyond that period? or on upgrading a plan, etc... I do hate those though" Why would you suggest something that you hate? Now, I see the point here is to get some quick answers on the cheap, and this is reflected in the quality of the answers. What I'm trying to say is that I'd be happy to pay more (maybe $50 for 10 pack) and wait more but receive better quality answers. Currently, the value of the model is based on speed and price, but the quality is overlooked. Hope this helps!
@kaloyanyankulov Yeah, this is great feedback. Quality is a huge concern of mine, and I know it varies. I built this out because I myself have gotten great quality feedback, but I know not every reviewer is going to be awesome. If you sort to the other view, you can say which reviewer was best and which was worst. This will hopefully help me keep the reviewers who are not helpful from reviewing for us again. It's rare for me to have an unhappy customer with this so far, so send me an email if you want a refund, no problem.
Matt Pickle
This looks awesome. I might give it a go on my latest project. We just finished design and started dev this week. You might want to checkout your site on an iPhone. Padding and alignment are all over the place.
@metapickle Yes, you're totally right. I hadn't look at it on mobile in a while. The testimonial section especially looks bad. Thanks for pointing it out, I'll put it on my Trello to work on soon... And I would love for you to try it on your project. Let me know if you have any questions when you're ready!
Abe Storey
@vacord This is awesome. I've been searching for something like this! I'm purchasing now and I'll report back with results.
@abe_storey Great!!
Viszt Péter
Any plans to support hardware products too? For example smart home products, where the user needs to interact with both the phone and the device.
@passatgt I don't think so. Maybe someday. That just seems so much more complicated. I've yet to see a service for that sort of physical product feedback, so perhaps you should create it!
Yoni Shechter
Nice structure to the business model and good pricing! Me likey :)
@yonishechter :^) thanks! I like this model too! haha
Sophia Tupolev-Luz
This is a great concept. I would love to see something like this for software developers!