Espen Kulia

Usage - A simple menubar app for tracking your application usage


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Shahab Shabibi
I have been using another app called "Timing" on Mac. This definitely has a better UI though I wish it tracked Safari/Browser activity per website so I could switch.
Daniel Alm
@shahab_21 Hi Shahab, Daniel, maker of Timing here. Could you let me know how we could make Timing's UI better for you?
Shahab Shabibi
@daniel_a_a Hey Daniel! It's just the data presentation seems a bit raw to me. Maybe more visualizations and work on the UI.
Daniel Alm
@shahab_21 thanks for the info! I'm actually working on that. If you'd like to take a look, drop me a note via and I'll send you the beta :-)
Blake Samic
It would be great if something like this could also track usage time for specific web apps. Maybe via a connected Chrome/Safari plugin?
Vojtech Rinik
@blakesamic No need, there are APIs to grab website URL/title from the browser window - that's what RescueTime does. I still think RescueTime does the best job by actually classifying websites as productive/distracting.
Daniel Alm
@blakesamic you may want to have a look at Timing ( - it tracks your browsing history in both Safari and Chrome without the need for a plugin.
Blake Samic
@_vojto are there also APIs to know which tab in the browser is active?
Vojtech Rinik
@blakesamic I think you can get a list of all tabs and active tab with AppleScript. You can definitely get current window title with Accessibility API. Timing is a cool app too, and @daniel_a_a knows more about these APIs than I do. My app is pretty simple, so it does't bother with URL:
Daniel Alm
@_vojto @blakesamic Safari and Chrome indeed both have AppleScript APIs to get the currently active tab. That's what Timing is using, plus some extra magic to e.g. detect incognito mode. If you want to track the active tab, Timing is definitely the right app for you. Otherwise, Escape is a great app too :-)
Pravin Kerai
I've been using RescueTime, but this free option looks good! Can this be linked to
Alex Mishyn
Looks good
Did someone know if there anything similar for iPhone ? It could be great for organizing my home screen