url.dev - Create short, temporary, self-destructing messages and links


Disappearing URLs and messages!
Create short, temporary, self-destructing messages and links that automatically expire in anywhere from a minute to a week. Easily share on social media or via SMS
Extend the url.dev functionality using the full API on Autocode.

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πŸ‘‹ Hey everyone! We built the first version of url.dev for fun a few weeks ago. We wanted an easy URL shortener that would disappear after some time to rickroll our teammates. After building V1 we realized there was some additional utility in providing disappearing messages β€” sometimes you just wanna say something via iMessage, Twitter or Slack that you don’t want recorded long-term. Maybe just a silly in-joke or something like that. So we built it! Everything here is built entirely on top of Autocode (our company). Because of this you get an awesome API and even an installable Slack App with this launch πŸ˜ƒ. We had a lot of fun putting this together and look forward to everyone's first impressions! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask myself or @keithwhor
Ryan Hoover
Nice URL (no pun intended)
Keith Horwood
@rrhoover thanks Ryan 😊
Tiago Celestino
I've been remembering years ago the battle to shorturls services. Bit.ly, goo.gl, etc...were created to impact demand in the time. url.dev is diferent, because it's only url but message too, for me this is amazing. Great works!
Jacob Lee
Thanks @tcelestino! Hope you enjoy using it!
Hey, Love the product!
Keith Horwood
@jacksonhong_ thank you! We really appreciate it πŸ™
Christian Piponides
I can't wait to send embarassing messages to my crush πŸ˜‚
@christian_piponides Heck yeah, lay your heart out for em πŸ₯°
Keith Horwood
Hey folks! As @scott_gamble mentioned this is a fun project we've built over the past few weeks. I personally had a lot of fun making the V1 and seeing Scott turn it into a full-fledged product! We've been messaging each other back-and-forth on it and we thought the broader community might enjoy. Feel free to ask questions if you have them! 😊
Khushi Lunkad
?makers Hey! Have you guys come across any use case for url.dev from a marketing or from a business point of view?
What a nice product. Thanks for sharing this!