@nikolay_siabrenko The site is very well done! Now, it's time for my Wikipedia copy editing mode to emerge. "What Makers done" does not make grammatical sense. It should be "What makers accomplished". Launch(ed), upvote(d) and discuss(ed) should be made past tense, as indicated in the brackets. Write should also become wrote. Have a great 2019!
🎅 Ho-ho-ho
In this year we have 🚀8418 awesome projects which building by 😃13766 makers and hunted by 🏹6347 hunters. Our community has grown on 👼472260 people and continues to grow every day. We put 🔺2159764 upvotes and discuss 💬97204 times. I hope in the next year we will hear even more success stories and everyone implements everything that planned.
Thanks, 🐱Product Hunt team for such a great services.
Thanks for all who visited this page, I hope you were interested in this information :)