Kevin van Zonneveld - Next open source file uploader for web browsers


Uppy is a sleek modular file uploader for web browsers. Easy uploads to S3 or your app, file previews, progress bar, drag/drop, resumable uploads via open standard, encoding backends, React/Redux support, metadata, form encapsulation, import from Webcam/Instagram/Google Drive/Dropbox/URLs. 100% open source, backed by a company (Transloadit)

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Artur Paikin
Hi, Uppy Lead UI Designer and Developer here. We've been working on Uppy for two years now and are excited about what it can do. We think it offers a robust, flexible, polished experience for developers and users alike, but we’re actively improving Uppy and would love your feedback to push it further!
Artur Paikin
Try our demo here: 🎉
Vishva Thejeshwar
@arturi If I remove the display inline check box the, it behaves weird . I am not sure if that is expected .
Chetan Menaria
@arturi you literally solved my biggest problem, thank you for developing such a great project. Just on little improvement i want to suggest is Dropbox and that's it.
Artur Paikin
@vishva_thejeshwar thanks for noticing! should be fixed now 👌
Artur Paikin
@chetanmenaria3 thank you for the feedback! if you mean supporting Dropbox as a provider to pick files, we do support it already :) check out, might have to check the Dropbox checkbox there.
Joel Rosen
@arturi could this sync with Wordpress? Ideally replace the WP uploaded on the front end whilst using advanced custom fields? Long shot I know!
Artur Paikin
@jrosendesign it’s actually on our todo list! :)
Pavel Kozlov
Great tool, but i need it on Wordpress. I'm ready pay for this tool on Wordpress )
Kevin van Zonneveld
@pavelkozlov Hey, we want to build this but are not heavy Wordpress users. Could you open a thread on our community forum with ideas and screenshots and requirements? Then we can take a shot at this!
Pavel Kozlov
@kvz , Sorry but i'm not a developer :) i'm designer and i don't know anything about requirements for Wordpress. I know you can do your tool as plugin for WP, like Uploadcare. They made a plugin. Many peoples use that tool.
Writing file upload functionality is always a pain in the arse. I’ll be checking this out today and integrating into SongBox if it’s good.
Kevin van Zonneveld
@mickc79 If it's not, let us know how we can do better, we want offer the best experience out there! :)
Vithal Reddy
Looks Promising, Definitely going to use this for our next project and opensource too!.
Kevin van Zonneveld
@vithalreddy1 awesome, let us know how it goes!
Priyank Patel
I am actually trying this out with azure blob storage using your XHRUpload. I just made upload works except it does not show 100% progress even after upload is complete but I believe I need to spend more time on it. Overall, I am very happy with your work and excited to see this going. Do you guys have any plan to make a plugin for Azure like you did for AwsS3? It will make life easier for next devs who wants to use it for Azure. Azure is working on javascript library to upload directly from browser but that did not work for me yet.
Artur Paikin
@patelpriyank Hi! Thanks for trying Uppy, and all the kind words. We have a lot of plans, but not after Uppy 1.0 is released — we have a few priority features to cover before that. We welcome PRs, and will keep your vote for Azure plugin in mind too :)
Amazing, exactly what we are looking for, we will definitely be integrating it with our system