Hello Product Hunt, and thanks to @orteipps for hunting us!
Recently there have been many attempts to get ever growing inboxes under control. With Unibox we introduce a very unique, yet very simple solution to this problem by grouping emails by sender, meaning that every sender appears only once in the inbox overview.
Essentially all other email apps, including Google Inbox, Mailbox, etc, use the conversation, i.e. the subject as the main organizing item, which in our view doesn't reduce the complexity of email, but rather increases it.
Using the person as the main item for navigating through emails is not only better aligned with how people communicate -- it also has some unexpected advantages. You always have previous conversations available for context and you have immediate access to all attachments you've exchanged with a person.
Looking forward to discuss this with you!
Interesting idea- will have to play with it some, but would it support multiple inboxes/ email addresses from the same person? Who hasn't accidentally sent a work email from a personal account and then lost that thread of the conversation?
Oh, I completely misunderstood this from the title. I thought that people were going to go through my emails and organize them for me. THAT would have been controversial (and kind of cool for me at least!).
Unibox is the perfect email client. To me is a game changer, what I love the most of it is that the App organize my emails based in a PEOPLE CENTRIC concept,so when the user receives an email and clicks on it, he can see the email thread that he was exchanging with that specific person over the years, which is very helpful to keep everything organized. You can add accounts from different services, Gmail, iCloud, corporate emails and so on.
The new iOS app is what I was waiting for years, a clean design with a very good performance. It keeps the same concept as the Mac App, which was hard to conceptualize in a smaller screen, but the Eightloops guys made a great job for the iPhone and the iPad.
I love the app, I just hope they can add soon the Apple Watch integration. I very highly recommend it. Kudos for the Team!
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