For my product launch, the big day is coming soon. I feel like it's the craziest time. Please suggest to me things I must NOT do before the launch that could potentially hurt it. Thanks in advance 🙏
1. Don't try to buy upvotes - ProductHunt will 100% catch it and deal with it
2. Don't try to get people to sign up to ProductHunt on your launch day to upvote your product (votes from brand new users will not help you - accounts need to be in better standing for their votes to help you)
3. Don't lie about your product - it would quickly become clear when people start trying it
4. Don't try to attack other users' products with bad reviews etc
5. Don't be unprepared for the incoming new users! We almost came close to hitting a database limit because we didn't check beforehand 😅
Basically just focus on presenting your product well and engage with the Product Hunt community genuinely and you'll do great!