Frank Chen

What book did you read in 2024 that changed how you think about your life/the world?


I recently read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and it offered a profound perspective on life. It reminded me that, regardless of our circumstances—whether rich or poor, successful or struggling—we must stay grounded and practice gratitude daily. Life is fleeting, and the most meaningful way to honor it is by living with purpose, focusing on what we can control, and appreciating the present moment.

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I read the Elon Musk biography. I have to say that Musk is really a doer, and I was impressed by his strict demand for high efficiency and his passion for the career. Pursuing high quality and efficiency should be the basic qualities that every startup should have.
James Cooper
Hi Frank, thanks for the recommendation! Meditations sounds like a valuable read, and I’ll be adding it to my reading list for this month. :)
Viktor Brešan
Here are two standout books from my reading list last year that I highly recommend: 1. *Spoon-Fed: Why Almost Everything We’ve Been Told About Food Is Wrong* by Tim Spector 2. *Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions* by Dan Ariely Both titles offer a clear glimpse into their insightful content!
Gaurav Singhal
Never Split the Difference
Ulysse Renaud
I totally agree with you about Meditations! It really opened my eyes to the power of focusing on what I can control.
danny cartere
That's a great book! I think the idea of staying grounded is so important.
Georgia Ava
With over 5 billion copies sold and distributed, the Bible takes the top spot as the most read and widely distributed book in the world. It is considered the holy scripture of Christianity and is also revered by Judai Written by a middle aged, white woman in 1851, Uncle Tom's Cabin has been credited for changing the views of slavery in the north and continues to serve as a reminder of the effects of slavery and other inhumane acts.The Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. These are just some of the many scientific facts found in the Quran.
Sapiens: A brief history of humankind.
Lillian Blake
Meditations gave me a lot to think about too. It's showed me how I often let my desires and frustrations drive me
System Thinking
Mithun Vinay
The Monk who sold his Ferrari