Stop Complicating Simple Work
Your elaborate productivity system is the problem, not the solution.
Those color-coded Notion templates? That 5AM club routine? The 10 synchronized apps and pomodoro timers? They're just fancy ways to avoid real work.
You don't need:
An app to remind you to drink water
20 different ways to organize the same task
A perfect streak of anything
Another productivity podcast
You need:
A list of what matters
To tackle the hardest thing first
To keep going
Our parents didn't need "second brains" or "productivity stacks." They had work to do, so they did it.
Want to be productive? Close the tabs. Put your phone away. Stop reading about being productive.
And just do the work.
That's it. No subscription required.
But sometimes, some of us don't work well with calendars, to-dos, trackers. Some of us will require a pair of eyes behind. I'm thinking lately on this. How Make everithing simplier and easier.
Your thoughts?