Siddhesh Lokare

Poll of the month: What is more important for a successful launch?


Spending nights and nights to make our launch as memorable as we can. But honestly and un-biasedly, what is the most important thing that clicks a launch to go nuts?

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Alexey Shashkov
Hey, Siddhesh. I think the most important thing is the teaser/demo. It helps people to understand what we do instantly.
Julia Doronina
I think that community and the teaser can help at the start
Eugene Hauptmann
Here're our recent takeaways from doing a launch within 24 hours
It's hard to choose one.
Ruben Wolff
You can have the best presentation possible for your product, and have planned everything perfectly, if you don't promote your product or if you don't have a community behind you to support it and help it be visible, you are already screwed
Siddhesh Lokare
@rubenwolff Definitely, Ruben! We as a community-first startup believe in shared growth and inclusiveness. Glad you put it so nicely. Also I am sure you'll love what you are going to see if you are all about community building. Stay hooked here:
Misha Krunic
It has to be community in my opinion in the first place. That's what PH is mostly about, anyways. Not to say that other aspects aren't important - demo being the close runner-up.