Marko Balažic

Launching in a month, what is one thing you recommend us to do?

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Start building a community around your product now, don't wait for launch day
Marko Balažic
@jeorge28 What were your core activities?
@markobalazic create a buzz around the product on Linkedin, Reddit, Twitter, FB, and PH. Basically every marketing channel you have. Create a daily discussion here and don't forget to repost to other social media to get all of your subscribers involved in the discussion
Matic Pelcl
Super interested in the replies here. We'll be launching soon and this same question has been bouncing around my head for a while. From what I've gathered it's engaging with the community (as per PH).
Sandra Djajic
Put quality of upvotes over the quantity of upvotes and thus try to connect with well established and active users of PH, if they agree to support, it will be very good for your launch
Igor Lysenko
Update the product and keep it active
Marko Balažic
@ixord Yes we are scheduling it this weekend! The product is already live with 500 customers, but new version is now comming to PH.