
How do you use Medium?


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Ágh Helmut
I read a lot of articles online, but I'm not using the website itself. I only find artciles through Google Search.
@aghhelmut Would you like if medium was more fun? Not just simple black text on white bg
Ágh Helmut
@bipinyadav To be honest, since I'm only reading articles on medium and not writing them, I think the simpler the better. Maybe it would be easier to remember blogs if they had different design templates, but it's more important for bloggers.
Alex Makarski
I'm curious how viable it still is. Ever since they made readers pay for access to content, their readership has dropped... but then those paid eyeballs may be worth more
@alex_clickmakers Yeah! And I noticed that Medium's story titles are way too clickbait and give very less context about the story itself and there are long stories which can be written in a few paras, hence saving time and not making the reader bore
Alex Makarski
@bipinyadav It used to be a great place to publish content. It's still alive but they made a few wrong turns along the way and it shows