Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems

How do you keep the energy up during the grind?

So, how do you guys stay charged up when the entrepreneurial grind gets tough? Coffee, yoga, little dance breaks? Share what works for you!

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Oleg Naumenko
Don't underestimate the power of power naps (now I sound like an old man)
Alexandr Builov
coffee, fruits, music.
Alexander Ptitsyn
Good sleep, workout, vegetables, fruits.
Daxeel Soni
These things help me - Coffee - A small walk outside - Exploring other products on PH What works for you @brenkinfa ?
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@daxeelsoni Nice! Coffee and spontaneous walks outside are also big for me. Another one is a 10 - 30 min light gaming session.
Maria Anosova 🔥
Coffee, yoga, little dance breaks? - exactly!
Vivek Karna
Journalling has helped me a lot in this journey irrespective of good days and bad days. The daily self introspection on why I am feeling what I am feeling and how can I reframe things in my mind to feel differently about the same situation has helped me become better bit by bit.
Jake Strack | miingl
Well, Coffee, Celcius, and Ambition aka Mental Illness. But really I drink a ton of caffeine.
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@jake_strack First time I heard about that energy drink! I used to do other kinds of energy drinks as well - but yeah, the caffeine caught up to me.
Ghost Kitty
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Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
@kyle_desana Oh, definitely! For me (and I'm sure a lot of others), doing something outside of my usual work routine tends to get those subconscious, creative juices flowing.
Mansi Trivedi
Be with energetic people! listen to music, dance when you can, eat good food, have patience and always take care of you peace first.! that's like super important! 😇🐣
Zack Li
Coffee and hang aroud
Sofia Gertzen
- Prioritizing good sleep (right amount and quality), - Enough micronutrients. - Celebrating milestones and successes with my team - Meeting fellow founders (everyone's in the same boat and all have similar problems, it helps grounding me)