Shambhavi Mahajan

How are you creating product demos?

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hi @shamhavi, yes but it's amateur for the moment :D it's not public yet but can be helpful for you : I also create a demo deck here :
Tell me about your product?
@shamhavi @sam_drissi how did you create this video Sam?
Shambhavi Mahajan
@sam_drissi nice! How often do you use loom?
Anastasia Liamets
We use Supademo
Shambhavi Mahajan
@anliamets what do you like about it? Do you use it for your website?
Anastasia Liamets
@shambhavi_mahajan1 super interactive way to collect leads and show how the platform works — we’re updating the product, so removed it from the web for a while, but will add it back soon. Our users loved it