
having a "i-hate-my-apps" type of moment


there are many good features about the apps i rely on and the apps i'm testing to potentially integrate into my workflow. then i hit those roadblocks with them eventually, such as how notion is all advanced with these bells and whistles, but i can arrange pages to appear nested under the default homepage view in alphabetical order. i'm ready to throw everything away, return to pen and paper and say forget technology some days. i already use that, but damn do i get fed up with trying to juggle both although it's necessary. i need a break. i'm only posting this to keep my streak going, tbh, because my burnout symptoms are flaring up 100%

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I feel you, the burnout hit me hard yesterday! Get outside if you can, and make sure to spend time with friends and family, nothing cures burnout like fresh air and human interaction
@william_mathews1 what was going on??! i feel like yesterday, everyone around me who i knew was going through intense stress. then the incident in Israel--i felt hopeless, like there wasn't any point to what i have been working on, even though i care about making stuff that makes life easier and better for myself and others. even then, i still was struggling to hold onto my hope.
@sandymakesplans so for me, I have just gone full time on my startup, and I need to make revenue by the end of October to survive It's just not moving quick enough right now, and it's really hard to stay motivated- especially as I'm a solo founder
@william_mathews1 hey what's your revenue model?
Happens to the best of us, take some time off, works like a charm :)
@ronit2 within reason--last time i took off, it took me years to strike up the nerve to start tinkering again
George Burmistrov
This feeling is totaly fine & relatable tbh. Sometimes it seems that these apps were made with the entire purpose of being unusable and unfriendly. You just gotta clear your head from time to time, it's totally fine.
@burmistrov btw, and thanks for the reply--what is blocks content?