Julia Engelsmann

FINALLY, the solution for your corporate culture


For over two years, Crewting has been preparing the perfect solution to strengthen the corporate culture of companies. With a lot of effort and time, a truly unique version of Coffee Breaks has been developed! We would be very grateful if you could take a few seconds to click "Notify me" and would really appreciate your support. https://www.producthunt.com/products/crewting

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Marvin Mändle
Henry Burkert
Can't wait until we finally start 🔥
Paolo Go
Hi Julia, it's done :) Best of luck to you guys
Niklas Mengele
Very curious for the big launch!
Kevin Brendel
Looking forward to it! Definitely a topic we have been discussing internally.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Atticus Li
Went over to support you. Rooting for people with the same cause, we also support and empower remote workers. Congratulations in advance!
Julia Engelsmann
@atticusli Thank you very much, that's really kind of you. I am also very excited about your product!
Gurkaran Singh
This sounds amazing! Strengthening corporate culture is crucial, and a unique version of Coffee Breaks could be just the solution many companies need. Looking forward to giving Crewting a try! Clicking "Notify me" right now. Thanks for the hard work!
Julia Engelsmann
@thestarkster Thank you very much, that's incredibly nice. I'm really looking forward to hearing how you like it!