I think a routine around planning out your day (or even week) is probably the most important factor in boosting productivity.
Even better than a morning routine for me is an evening routine. The last thing I do each day is plan the next day. I check the tasks I already have scheduled, add new ones that require immediate attention, look at my calls/meetings, and then timeblock out everything.
Doing it the evening before means there are no surprises when I start work the next day. No big meetings or projects I forgot about. No big blockers. I can just sit down at my desk and get to work.
Absolutely yes, a morning routine is a great determinant for the rest of your day. Your breakfast, the time you wake up, and your day plan play an important role in deciding your productivity.
I don't think so that morning routine is deciding factor for productivity. I am not a morning person but on most days I am highly productive. If morning routine becomes deciding factor for productivity then poeple working in night shift would be the least productive ones.
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