Zekiye Nur Kesici

Do you integrate different platforms such as Reddit, IndieHackers etc, into your marketing strategy?

Hello everyone! Is it in your marketing strategy to use these platforms for your product, and what do you think is the best marketing environment among these and similar platforms? Is there any platform where you can view the advantages? I use Reddit recently and it has been a difficult but fruitful journey. Here's my Reddit account. https://www.reddit.com/user/seonsyain

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Aida Zu
I don't recommend these two platforms in case if you don't have anything to suggest for a communities there. Don't use Chat GPT there - they'll learn it Use them not like a channels but tools for learning, sharing, educating
Zekiye Nur Kesici
@aidai_zu I definitely agree with you. One of my strategies for there is to be authentic and "human". I spent a really long time on each of my posts.
Yeap! But these communities require a lot of work. I definitely don't create a whole marketing strategy around them.
I'm also active on Reddit and IndieHackers! It's not easy to accumulate points and build awareness, but I think it's necessary.
Vladimir Malyavko
Sure! But be careful with Reddit - I was banned yesterday :)
Anastasiia Protsykevych
Yes, I integrate different communication platforms into my marketing strategy. For instance, when preparing an information field, I create a lot of content about the problem my product solves and post all these publications or articles on blogs or relevant resources such as Quora or Reddit. This is a great opportunity to generate buzz around the problem my startup can solve just before the official launch (more about such marketing method you can read in JetSoftPro's blog: https://jetsoftpro.com/blog/mark...). Then I continue to create content on a daily basis for all these platforms to stay in touch with the community.