Muhammad Anees

Did you try anyother AI Chatbot?

Did you try other AI Chatbots rather than ChatGPT, Gemini, etc? Please share your experiences.

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Meredith Lancaster
BoodleBox. It brings all the favorites together in one place and even one chat. Really useful at getting input for all of the major AI players plus over 800 specialized AI bots powered by Claude 3 Opus.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there, my fellow tech enthusiasts! As someone who always has their hands in the code and circuits, I've definitely dabbled with a variety of AI chatbots beyond the popular ones like ChatGPT and Gemini. Whether it’s for edtech, supply chain, accounting, or even government projects, I've tinkered with quite a few. From playful conversations with quirky chatbots to deep dives into data science and embedded programming, exploring different AI chatbot options has been both enlightening and entertaining. Each one brings its own unique flavor to the table, sparking new ideas and possibilities. So, if you've got any recommendations or experiences with lesser-known AI chatbots, I'm all ears (or should I say, all sensors?) Let's chat about the exciting world of AI together!
Yes, I've explored several AI chatbots in different contexts to understand their functionalities and capabilities. Currently, I'm using It helps me to generate content ideas, outlines, or even complete drafts based on a brief prompt when it’s time to start working on specific tasks.
Recently I'm using . It can help me integrate customer consultations from various channels, respond uniformly on own workbench, and automatically reply to most questions through chatbots, helping me screen the questions that really require manual answers.