Olga iaLOVEnko

Are you willing to be right or to be happy?


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Alexander Galitsky
Im happy when Im right 🤗
Nancy Wright
Right, being happy is more important than being right all the time! Life's too short to sweat the small stuff. Focus on your own well-being first.
Olga iaLOVEnko
@nancywright exactly. You are the most important person to yourself. And you are the only responsible for your happiness
Kavya Tripathi
Haaapppy always
Mason Derek Holloway
Focusing on happiness doesn't mean you have to be 'wrong' - often being flexible, open-minded and prioritizing relationships over being 'right' leads to wiser decisions and more happiness in the long run. It's not always either/or!
I rather be happy over fighting to be right.
Rajesh Sahni
I lean towards happiness. Being right can be overrated, especially if it means causing unnecessary conflict.
Anmol Momin
Happy. Usually when you do things you think is right or you think you should do - it doesn't end well in long run. You'll end up being frustrated therefore always choose your happiness over right/wrong.
My choice is the right one. For me, if something isn't right, then no amount of happiness matters.
Bilal Asif
To be happy