Demirhan Erim

uLouder for iOS 2.0 - A digital megaphone in your pocket

The hyper-local platform connects end-users instantly and automatically, by a self-determined geographical radius to seek information, publish stories or make announcements.
Amazing things are happening around you – and you won’t ever miss them again!

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Marcel Allweins
Hi PH! Marcel here, BizDev of uLouder, We are super excited to launch our new version of uLouder, after a year of testing and feedback cycles. Thanks to social media, we are connected to more people than any generation before, but at the same time, many of us are also feeling lonelier and more isolated. We lost our connection to the people around us, the ones that are actually right next to us. uLouder tries to bring back that sense of community by putting a digital megaphone in your hands that lets you reach all the users that are in a 3-mile radius. With this, your finger is always on the puls of your surroundings wherever you go. We saw great things happening on uLouder so far, people found - their lost pets - a new match-partner for tennis - great tutors - a handyman that could come by on the fly (sometimes it’s just a handy neighbor) - a replacement for the goalkeeper who just moved - out about that film scene that is shot just a block away - their favorite local craft shop - this perfect stargazing spot - a new regular table at this cool dive bar closeby - …. - many, many, many other amazing things! We see how uLouder brings joy to the people that connected through our app so far. However, as any platform, we face the famous ‘chicken and egg’ problem. To really create dense and vivid communities we need many members. These members, however, are not attracted to the platform if their aren’t already many other members…. (You get the dilemma) So this is where we’re at. We want to connect people with their communities. So what better than to ask the PH community about it! Please give us your feedback on the app, the cause and whatever your thoughts are about uLouder. We greatly appreciate the input we can gather and love to hear what you think!! Love you 3000!
Emre Tezisci
Tested it and was very happy with the result. 5/5 stars
Murat Kaya
Great product. Tested 5/5
Sinan Eren
Good to see folks tackling an important community service. Slick app, beautifully designed and built.
Mattia Lioce
Good morning guys, It’s a pleasure for us to introduce you the new version of uLouder, also said ulouder 2.0! Help us to bring the old good values back such as kindness and love among people. Sometimes we overthink and create bad scenarios in our head with no reasons, just keep calm and help others, we would just this from all of us. We want people to connect not only digitally, we want people to feel good by just giving a recommendation or an update about what’s happening around you. We are not a social media, we are a movement so come move with us
Simon Chapman
@marcelmax Any plans for an Android version?
Marcel Allweins
@simoncchapman we are soon to release the Android version as well. Thank you far asking and stay tuned :)
Vjeko Skarica
I like this and I hope it gets big. Good luck!
Levent Sapci
I've been using uLouder for almost a year on my iPhone. I like the direction they're going.
Markus Prøsch
uLouder helped me locate and find my wallet a couple of weeks back! Total lifesaver
Ali Oral
An invaluable service to those who are new to the city and want to explore what's going around them. As for seasoned residents, this will be a great way to figure out what's going around you. Love the idea!
Cihan Ilter
This is really cool! I loved the idea and the product.
Louis Campeol
Excellent idea but how will you get sufficient traction?
Marcel Allweins
@louis_campeol great question, that's definitely a main challenge for every platform! uLouder brings the most value when the local community is dense and vividly represented on uLouder. That's why we market from location to location to build one awesome community after the other :)
Bugrahan C.
A social media that is relevant to your real life, to real people. Keep it up!
Marcel Allweins
Android version is up and running! check it out and support your local community!