Using typing biometrics, we’ll analyze how your mood changes throughout the day. You’ll know when you’re happy, stressed, focused, tired, energized, calm — and (soon), you’ll even get tips on how to optimize your time to maximize your productivity.
My fellow hunters!
Let me introduce you to the first app that predicts your mood based on how you type.
Shoutouts go out to the entire TypingDNA team for bringing this to life. But also, to you, the PH community for all your feedback in the last few years, and to the hundreds of people who contributed to our public research.
We couldn’t have done this without you! 🙌
“What if you could improve your daily productivity by knowing your mood hour-by-hour?”
Little did we know that this ⤴️ simple question would forever change how we think about productivity and mental health.
TypingDNA Focus uses patent-pending typing biometrics technology to record how you type so you can discover when you’re most focused, tired, stressed, happy, energetic, and calm.
You’ll know how you’re really feeling hour-by-hour, better plan your daily activities, and improve your productivity and mental health.
- You’ll learn when you’re most focused & calm so you can better manage your to-do list
- You’ll learn when you’re stressed & tired so you can take a quick walk to clear your mind before that next meeting
- You’ll learn when you’re most energetic & happy so you can double-down and do more of those activities
TypingDNA Focus tracks how you type, not what you type. Running in the background, our AI-based technology will analyze your typing patterns right on your device, so your typing data never leaves your computer.
Everyone starts with 3 trackable moods: Focused, Tired, Stressed
We’ve also added 3 additional moods (Happy, Energetic, and Calm) that can be unlocked by helping us spread the word, or contributing to the public research program to make mood predictions even more accurate. 💃 🕺
Please remember Focus is an experimental beta and still has a few bugs to work through.
We’re fine-tuning the mood predictions, but the more people who use it, the more accurate it becomes — giving you more predictable moods.
MacOS users: Download Focus today.
Windows users: We're working 24/7 to expand. While you wait, contribute to the Public Research program and we’ll unlock all the features of Focus when it's available for Windows.
We’re a proud Techstars NYC’18 alum, backed by Gradient Ventures (Google’s AI-focused fund). We’ve proven the market with Authentication API and TypingDNA Verify — our typing biometrics solution to replace SMS 2FA codes with better UX. And with the launch of Focus, we’re exploring just how far we can take typing biometrics to help society improve productivity and mental health.
The PH community previously honored us with #1 Product of the Day for TypingDNA Authenticator, a free authenticator that worked inside the Chrome browser and used typing patterns to secure OTPs.
In the near future, we plan to allow developers to use the moods in their favorite apps. With a simple Observer pattern approach, macOS apps will be able to listen to mood changes and trigger custom actions in real-time. And that’s just the beginning! Share your feedback in the comments below; your support will make a huge difference in what the future holds.
We’re going to be active on Product Hunt all day long! So if you have any questions, or want to leave feedback, we’re here for you.
Sensitive data never leaves user's PC. There is no risk of sharing patient sensitive data because of it. So I think it's fair to say technically it is HIPAA compliant.
@bilal_chaglani mobile is on the roadmap too, but most people work on computers not mobile devices, and the large audience want to see their mood while they work. Therefore, for example, adding Windows support may be more important on the roadmap.
Boom💥 ..Can I share it with my employers? Would love them to know my response to 'Can you stay back for few more hours.....' Testing immediately. Will keep you guys updated
Kudos @raulpopa and team on the launch 🚀
@lastyprsfe It sounds like it's using magic, right? It is actually trained with data (500 participants, over 2 million keystroke events, and over 20 different moods researched -- to be more precise) and we will only improve this as more people will opt-in to participate in our public research program.
This looks awesome, I want to have it!!! 😍 Is it possible to export data? I'd absolutely love to combine it with an export from my WHOOP data to see what impact sleep has on productivity and mood.
@lukas_kemkes at this time no, but you'll be able to do some of these things in the future. What is curious is that while hardware based technologies like WHOOP work best when you are highly active (running) or innactive (sleep), they fall short when you are doing your day to day job, at the computer. Definitely we see potential in combining data from multiple devices/sensors and for sure will see more of it in the future.
@travis_macmaster_ Yes, we are working on it and will announce it soon enough - register here to get an email when we will launch it
Hey PH fam ✍
Writing is a reflection of our mood, and TypingDNA Focus team (@stefanendres, @tamascristian, @raulpopa, @avictorpop) is here to make help us analyze, get insights, and optimize our writing skills.
Give it a try and let us know what you learnt about your writing habit?