Saikiran Chandha

SciSpace - Your AI assistant to discover and understand research papers

SciSpace is the easiest way to find, understand, and learn any research paper. For every paper you read, get simple explanations and instant answers from AI and discover a network of connected and relevant papers — all in one place.

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Saikiran Chandha
Hi Product Hunt! 👋 I'm Saikiran. I'm super excited to introduce the PH community to what we've been working on over the past year. 🤩 SciSpace is your AI copilot that can break down any research paper on the go in plain simple language.🤖 ⚙️Here’s how it works: 🔍 Search for a paper on our repository or upload the PDF directly 🖍️ Highlight the confusing text, mathematical formula, or tables 📋 Get a concise and straightforward explanation on the same screen 🗨️ Ask questions about the highlighted section or the paper in general 💬 Receive answers in the same chat box ☝️ Follow up with further questions to get more context 💾 Save your progress and come back to it later ​​We launched SciSpace Beta earlier this year. We began as a repository of research papers across domains — with metadata of 200 million+ papers and 50 million+ Open Access full-text PDFs. Progressively, we designed new features to simplify research discovery and learning. The reaction has been overwhelming. Over the past three months, we attracted more than 1 million readers worldwide. And with the addition of this AI-based reading assistant, we felt the time was right for us to release SciSpace publicly to everyone. 🎆 🧐 Why did we build SciSpace? My co-founder, Shanu, and I worked closely with the research community in our previous venture. It helped us get a firsthand experience of the different stumbling blocks that slow researchers down. What struck us the most were the frustrations many experienced when trying to find papers or absorb critical insights from these complex texts. Sometimes, it felt like looking for a needle in a haystack. More than 1.8 million research papers get published every year. So it is fair to say research papers are still very much the way to go for information sharing. But anyone who has stepped into the research world knows that it comes with baggage. All the complicated words, abbreviations, technical clutter, the clunky PDF reading experience, and, let’s be honest, we had better attention spans like twenty years ago! Now, where were we? Oh yeah, diminishing attention span and also information overload–you don’t even know where to begin! To make things worse, it is not like you can access all these papers in one place. It is scattered across different journals, archives, and digital libraries. This is what prompted us to build SciSpace. We want researchers to get more leeway to focus more on finding answers to critical global problems. We hope it will deliver value to the research community and anyone interested in reading papers. 🚀 What can you do with SciSpace? Most researchers spend hours reading papers every day. We want to help them make the most of it. And here’s how we do that: ➡️ Highlight confusing text, math, and tables to get a simple explanation ➡️ Ask follow-up questions and get instant answers ➡️ Explore and find highly relevant papers on a topic without specifying keywords You can perform the three actions across all the 200 million+ papers on our platform. 💡 Pretty cool, right? We’re super excited about this feature. We hope it will help researchers worldwide wade through the clutter, find what they need quickly, understand key concepts and apply them to their projects or share them with their students. The discovery and reading parts of SciSpace are completely free to use. No trial period. No sign-up is needed. 🫶 🔜 What’s next? ➡️ Improved search and recommendations ➡️ Directly extract insightful answers from papers We're still very early in our journey, but we're thrilled to share SciSpace with the PH community. Please share any feedback or questions you may have. We'd really appreciate it. 🙏 PS: By the way, we're still using our old domain,, but we'll be migrating to very soon. ⌛
Shanu Kumar
A bit more about SciSpace Copilot, It's an easy-to-use tool that works this way - Highlight any text, table, or maths equation. Ask a follow-up question. Get instant answers. Here's a paper where you can test it out: Or if you have a paper of your own, feel free to upload the PDF. It works the same. Do share your thoughts on it. It's really going to help us improve.
Rohan Tondulkar
What an innovative tool! Especially getting explanations for complex equations will reduce a huge burden in understanding math from research papers. Getting answers from entire paper will save ton of time too! Hope research community uses this to the fullest!
Saikiran Chandha
@rohan_tondulkar1 Thank you for your kind words.
Dattaraj Hiremath
This is indeed a radical innovation!! Data and AI backed power tool would stand in good stead to researchers, philosophers and change drivers in their field. An excellent platform to excel and accelerate out of your enormous and tedious research process!! The highlighting feature to me is that it demystifies complex aspects of research papers and yields a simplified output. I would also like to underscore the other relevant research paper suggestions rendered to elevate your study. This is best dated platform which supports your research, enhances your study and prompts invention!!!
Saikiran Chandha
@sharnu_hiremath Thanks for your kind words.
Asheesh Kumar
@saikiranchandha Really Interesting work for understanding the research paper, even for the newbie to expert level. With the growing number of scientific paper submissions to top-tier conferences, having AI interventions to counter information overload seems an exciting thing to explore. I will definitely try this with different papers that are stacking up on my reading list.
Saikiran Chandha
@asheesh_kumar1 Glad you liked it.
Siddhant Jain
This seems pretty cool, do we also have option to try papers currently not hosted on SciSpace and save them, say a library as we interact? Also congrats on the release!🐣
Shanu Kumar
@siddhant_jain11 Glad you found it cool, Siddhant. And yes, you can use SciSpace Copilot on papers that aren't currently hosted on the platform. Just upload a PDF and get started. You can also create a collection to add multiple PDFs.
Pavlo Pavlenko
Congrats on the launch, guys! The project looks very interesting. Just out of my curiosity, what technology is behind your AI? Dialogflow, OpenAI, or something proprietary? Another question is why do your stick with the research papers only? I'm pretty sure this technology can be used for a broader range of documents, brining value to more people.
Saikiran Chandha
@pavel_pavlenko Glad you liked it. We are hybrid - proprietary tech and GPT-3 combined. Yes, we did think about other domains - what should be the next domain you'd like us to solve for?
James Pimlott
@pavel_pavlenko @saikiranchandha Sorry to jump in on this, but I was just thinking the exact same thing! I think there is definitely a business application for this for understanding large volumes of information and making a decision about it, but it could also be used to help create technical blogs by utilising all of the research papers you have at your disposal! Congrats on the launch!
Saikiran Chandha
@pavel_pavlenko @glimpseapp Yes, I agree. We are seeing legal documents uploaded on the site. We are open to trying it out in other domains. Do let us know.
Pavlo Pavlenko
@glimpseapp @saikiranchandha Legal is the first thing that comes up actually because of the complex language. It can really help non-legal people do reviews on their own and propose changes. Lawyers cost a lot, so this can drastically decrease legal expenses for companies. Very clear value proposition. Save up to 50% costs on legal work - smth like that.
Praveen Hiremath
I myself being a reader and interested in new and upcoming technologies .... It is really interesting what this product can do ... As I'm exploring the product i can see so many features which i think can be really helpful to our generation and will have a new perspective towards the AI . Well I'm really curious to explore in depth about the product ... All the best and cheers to SciSpace 🎉
Shanu Kumar
@praveen_hiremath Thanks for your kind words, Praveen. If you really want to test out SciSpace Copilot, here's a paper to get you started:
Nick Russell
Such an awesome product and 270m+ papers already, wow! Nice work @saikiranchandha and team!
Shanu Kumar
@saikiranchandha @n_russell Thanks a lot, Nick. Apart from the papers already hosted on our platform, users can also upload their own PDFs and use SciSpace Copilot.
Harish Kolar
Unconventional in the extreme, this is! Researchers, philosophers, and change agents in their fields would benefit greatly from a power tool supported by data and al. A fantastic setting for success and a quick exit from your extensive and laborious research procedure! The de-mystification of difficult research paper elements and the output's simplification are its standout features in my opinion. The other pertinent research paper recommendations made to advance your study deserve special attention, too. This is the most up-to-date platform for research, education, and creativity!!
Saikiran Chandha
@harish_kolar Thanks a lot for your kind words, Harish.
Dan Robins
Ok this is super cool! 270 million papers... 🤯
Dan Robins
My wife is going to love this... (finally something she'll be interested in that I can share from Product Hunt!) great work guys, and congrats on the launch!
Rahul Kulkarni
In this era of AI i think it's really useful tool .. it is packed with multiple features and one of them is that it understand plenty of other languages which is really helpful 😀 . Congratulations SciSpace on the new launch 🥳
Saikiran Chandha
@rahul_kulkarni3 Thank you for your kind words! We're glad you think it's useful. We're constantly working to improve our AI and language recognition capabilities - we will be pushing out them soon!
Rohan Phalke
Awesome tool to enhance the knowledge and the AI system is extraordinary give best experience.
Saikiran Chandha
@rohan_phalke Thank you for your support.
Madhavan M
Congratulations on the launch 🚀 @saikiranchandha
Saikiran Chandha
@madhavanmy Thanks a lot for your support.
Ivo Scherkamp
Great idea! And much needed in times where the amount of scientific papers explodes
Saikiran Chandha
@ivo_scherkamp I agree! ~3M articles are published every year and it's only going to increase over time. In addition, 72% of them don't even make it to the reading list!
Trinita Roy
O.M.G this product is such a saviour! I am writing my final year thesis rn and you have just made it all so easy! Im glad I found it at the right time! Kudos to the team!
Shanu Kumar
@trinita_roy1 Appreciate your kind words, Trinita. Hope you'll get the most out of SciSpace Copilot for your thesis. Good luck!
Navya Sri Regalla
@saikiranchandha What an Amazing Tool it is!!just Now i gone through this and it is Amazing !!As i'm from research background it helps me to understand the things more better!!
Saikiran Chandha
@navya_sri_regalla1 Thank you so much for your kind words! We're so happy to hear that our tool is helping you in your research.
Livia Burbulea
Guys, I'm mad. Where were you when I was at Uni? You would've made my life soooo much easier... to the point where I would've had to personally thank you when getting my diploma. But I would've done it, and it would've been 100% worth it! 😂 But better late than never. I'm gonna recommend SciSpace to all of my friends and family that are still studying. And I'll definitely love to give it a try for myself, cause you know, education should never stop when you finish your studies. 😀 I can't congratulate you enough! Can't wait to give feedback too after trying the product for a few days. Congrats, congrats, congrats @saikiranchandha @shanukumr!
Saikiran Chandha
@shanukumr @livia_burbulea Thank you so much for your kind words! We're so happy to have you on board and can't wait to hear your feedback! Pls do consider joining our discord community:
Shanu Kumar
@saikiranchandha @livia_burbulea We appreciate your comment, Livia. And you're absolutely right in saying education should never stop. Since you're so keen on trying out SciSpace Copliot, here's a paper to get you started: Or if you want, feel free to upload a PDF of your own. Hope you make the most of it!
Livia Burbulea
@saikiranchandha @shanukumr Shanu, thank you so much! I love the topic for the document you shared: Attention, the subject every Copywriter needs to master. Spot on! Thanks! Can't wait to of through it! You've made my day :)
Uditi Ghosh
@saikiranchandha Was looking for a research platform like this for my academic thesis formation and gladly stumbled upon this one today. Found this helpful especially the instant Q & A.
Pratik Jaiswal
A brilliant product! The difficulty of comprehending arithmetic from research papers will be greatly decreased by receiving explanations now, particularly for complex equations. Also, the Instant Q&A feature is great!!! @saikiranchandha
Co-pilot seems to be a tremendously handy tool with immense potential. Couldn't not try it out immediately! It not only can answer questions related to the contents elaborated in the research paper, but also has the ability to throw light on concepts that the paper mentions, uses, but does not explain in itself. This tool is like having a mentor handhold you through the paper; where no query is silly. Very impressive.
Shanu Kumar
@rujuta18 Glad you liked it. When you do get the time, here's a paper to get you started with: Be sure to check out all the features.