Ryan Hoover

Twitter Live - Twitter replaces TV. Watch live events and tweet w/ friend.

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Ryan Hoover
Big move by Twitter. It's now streaming Wimbledon live: Notice the new URL structure: twitter.com/i/live
Niv Dror
@rrhoover Now I just having Tennis playing in the background. Not complaining. I will become Tennis expert by the end of this comment. 🎾✊
Rich Greenfield
@rrhoover i just have two guys talking about tennis??
Ben Tossell
@richbtig @rrhoover yeah see my comment below - doesn't actually seem to show the match, just the commentary.
Brian Fanzo
@rrhoover Freaking awesome... imagine when you have the NFL game there and under it feeds from players live from periscope!
Niv Dror
@rrhoover Good article on Recode on the Twitter Wimbledon livestream (an incomplete "test" experience) ahead of the NFL deal http://www.recode.net/2016/7/6/1...
Chris Short
This is what Twitter should exploit. Live events with video and feed. Get this on the Apple TV ASAP!
Ben Tossell
Isn't this just a step up from radio though? RE: Wimbledon - You don't seem to be able to watch the match, just a video of the commentators haha. Also its a few minutes behind the live game - and with Twitter focusing on real-time, live events - it may need to get up to speed here. I like the idea though and the tweet stream next to it is cool.
Parker Woodward
@bentossell Agreed. Who wants to "watch" commentary? I was a bit bummed. But it's a big step in the right direction.
Christina Warren
It's just commentary now (with a link to an ESPN page that doesn't work in the US), but I think this is a good sign of what we'll see when the NFL streams start this fall. And that's awesome.
Niv Dror
@film_girl yup. excited for it! 🐥📺🙌
@film_girl Agreed. This could also work for sports with fledgling fan bases in various countries, like cricket. Seeing pros and commentators explain what's happening and why without interrupting the viewing experience for informed fans.
Colin Gardiner
Imagine this will move the needle in a big way on the advertising front.
jeremy carson
Twitter live....Facebook live. ok, we're evening the playing field.
Roman Pramberger
Thats pretty cool. Last time a big player released something like this it was a full disaster, laggy, slow, low quality, "pay"-wall by default. I think Twitter just won this fight.
Paul Watson
Had this open all day now and love it. If I go and make some tea I just swap to mobile and the video and live Tweets are still there. More like this from Twitter please. And I hope they enabled Periscope streams like this too.
Oleg Sharov
@passy Looking great! Any way you guys can add the time of the event? It's impossible to tell what time the match is set to begin vs. watching all the pre-game action. Could be cool to be able to opt-in to get an alert a few minutes before :)
Pascal Hartig
@shapob That's a great suggestion, thanks! I'll bring that up with the team.
@shapob @passy It would be a blessing to have a notification to opt-in to watch a live event when it begins. I find it frustrating that most sports websites do not have the schedule adjusted to the time-zone of the visitor and overlook such simple engagement hacks.
Craig Stanford
🎾🎾🎾 anyone? It's a nice first serve and volley to Facebook Live and a big match for Twitter, but I would not say that providing a livestream with an accompanying Twitter feed is exactly groundbreaking. 💤💤💤 We did this for All-England/Wimbledon, The Masters, Ryder Cup and others in 1999 and 2000 at FasTV and the entire match was searchable post-broadcast as archive. Sixteen years later and where's the innovation here? I realize Twitter and Facebook are constrained by limitations of its UX/UI, but as viewers/users, we deserve better. This is just like TV except smaller. Gee, that reminds me, I need to turn on my television to watch "real-time" live tennis as opposed to latency of this. This is a great deal for All England Lawn & Tennis Club (reach + 💷), a decent deal for Twitter (content & maybe 💰), but what's in it for us?
Samir Begic
@craigstanford Agree. Covering events and places that you can already watch on TV ( or some other commercial platform) does not offer big value proposition for users but works great($) for Twitter.That is reason we started StreamLi, to allow everyone to see what THEY want to see:Personalized viewing experience that can fulfill their specific needs when it comes to live streaming content.
Levi Kovacs
This is pretty cool! I was taking the kids out last week and was following EURO 2016 on my phone through Facebook, which was pretty cool. Text only, but had that social aspect of gathering everything from friends and news outlets. After just text I came to appreciate radio coverage of sporting events :). Now this with live video is pretty amazing. Would love to see options that filter out the "noise" and only show what is interesting to me next to the stream!
Alex Pinter
@kovlex are you engaging during the live event/game as well with your friends (FB Messenger, GroupMe etc)? If yes, on which channels? Just curious.
Tao Ni
Is watching the live commentary qualified as "live TV" 😥
Biggest move by Twitter in a lonnng while. They just need to stream the actual game, and less commentary. The fact that you can tweet with related people in real time, rather than commenting with your fb friends (on fb live) makes all the difference imo.
Maxence TAÏEB
Nice move from Twitter, people are already twitting about live events, it's now just easier to follow a game & tweet. Too bad, there is no live video for UEFA Euro 2016
Ernie Smith
It's kind of like Twitch, except with a clearly more mainstream angle. This is a good move on Twitter's part, and plays up one of the most appealing parts of its service to mainstream users. Secretly, I hope it gets investors off their backs so they'll leave power users alone.
Felix Jung
Interesting! Agree that it's not the most compelling thing, watching commentators... but I don't think this is meant to be the final product. "The company emphasized, however, that it's using the world's most popular tennis tournament as a trial run. 'This livestream is an extremely early and incomplete test experience, and we'll be making lots of improvements before we launch it in its final form,' the company said..." https://www.engadget.com/2016/07... Also, at least they show the players and crowd and court a bit, in between games? Not great, but better than 100% on the commentators.
Ishai Ankri
This is a huge step forward for twitter. It will open tons of new business possibilities for them. After Twitter ditched Meerkat and moved to Periscope’s live stream solution, they kind of looked like they have no idea what they want from the live stream industry. It looks like they finally made something great. I hope they will know how to leverage such a huge product.
I guess this is only an early test. But in this case I really wouldn't want to sit there watching commentators talking, when you can get live full coverage through iPlayer anyway.
Tarun Gangwani
I'd love to be able to filter this Twitter stream by: tweets coming from Wimbledon (or even that court), tweets from verified accounts, top tweets (within a certain time period) and tweets from a particular "side" (when the NFL deal comes out, hopefully #steelers and #colts, for example). Super happy to see this from Twitter -- hope to see this more ubiquitously across all screens, including TV itself.
Pedro Pinto
I would love to see this in the Euro Cup final on Sunday