Michael Novotny

Twitter Streak - Get consistent on Twitter with this free tool

🐣Makers: Get serious about Twitter and drive results for your business and personal brand.
🕐How?: Use Twitter Streak to get accountable and consistent.
📈Stay motivated and stop forgetting. Use Twitter Streak to keep you on track to reach steady growth!

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Tom Jacquesson
Hey PH 👋 Since we launched Tweet Hunter with @thibaultll, we realized just how much Twitter can deliver results if you can just be consistent. Doing so, we both got countless results: new clients, business opportunities, expert advice and even made some friends along the way. Problem 😡 Most people start out on Twitter with the intention of being very active and consistent. And 2 weeks later, they stop. Solution 🤩 So we created Twitter Streak, a free tool that helps you become consistent on Twitter! Tweet or reply at least once a day, and your streak will keep going. Forget to do so, and your streak will stop. At every milestone, you win rewards that help you with your Twitter growth goals. And once you reach a 100-day streak, you’ve completed the challenge and formed a habit! How to start? (1) Sign up, it’s 100% free, no catch, no freemium, nothing (2) Start tweeting and engaging with others, we’ll start counting your streak (3) Monitor your streak, the leaderboard, and get your rewards Join a 100-day challenge today! Don’t delay! We would so love to hear your feedback and support. We hope this helps you in your journey. 🙏🏼 -- Special thanks to: @rishabh_garg6 for being key in helping us build this! @michaeljnovotny for hunting us and helping us with the launch!
Marko Denic
@thibaultll @rishabh_garg6 @michaeljnovotny @tomjacquesson Super useful for people taking Twitter seriously. Thank you for this!
@thibaultll @rishabh_garg6 @michaeljnovotny @tomjacquesson Hey I'm happy to run my own twitter streak during these 100 days ! Unfortunately I can't be added to the twitter streak participants twitter list, the API returns 403 (code 103, You aren't allowed to add members to this list) from the website, any chance to be added to the list ? 🤔 Good job so far 👏
Arnaud Belinga
Consistency is the most important thing for Twitter growth, you need this FREE tool :)
@arnaud_belinga1 So cool that you like it, thanks Arnaud
Michael Novotny
Hey PH 👋 I am super excited to Hunt Twitter Streak for @thibaultll and @tomjacquesson! Twitter has changed my life. It’s empowered me to find all my current personal and professional relationships that have enabled me to quit my job and go for my dreams. To do that it’s always been a struggle to be consistent on Twitter. It’s amazing to me that there has never been a tool to help you establish a habit with Twitter. Until now! Truth is, as a creator, founder, tech pro our time constantly gets pulled in a million different directions. Using this free tool is like having a personal assistant helping me be consistent. And consistency is the name of the game that has and will continue to lead to so many life changing opportunities. Check this out! You won’t regret it. I’ve been using it and it’s super helpful in being more consistent. Congrats on the launch Tibo, Tom and Rishabh!
Johan Steneros
This looks awesome. I'm trying to improve my Twitter engagement, but I do find it hard to be consistent. Will give this a go for sure.
@jsteneros Super happy that's helpful 🙏
Michael Novotny
@jsteneros Being consistent is the hard part. This helps make it habit. It's free to try, I would recommend!
Tania Dsouza
This is a great way to build a habit of delivering value to people everyday with your thoughts, ideas learnings and experience.
@taniadiscovered Exactly!! That's how you stay motivated and start doing something which is good for you
Michael Novotny
@taniadiscovered Hi Tania that is so well put. Thank you for the feedback! I'd love to share that with others.
Yogini Bende
Another amazing product by Tweet Hunter team! Congratulations on the launch folks 🚀
Michael Novotny
@ms_yogii Thank you for the feedback Yogini! All the hard work done by these builders: @thibaultll @tomjacquesson @rishabh_garg6
Harsh Makadia
Congratulation TweetHunter Team on the launch!
Michael Novotny
@makadiaharsh Hey Harsh thanks so much for the feedback. Love the value you add to Twitter. Keep it up!
Rajiv Verma
Congratulations and Good Luck with the launch guys! @thibaultll @tomjacquesson
Alex Berman
Great tool that makes twitter more fun
@alxberman Thanks Alex ♥️
Nice and useful product. Congrats on the launch and all the best 🎉
@basharath Thanks a lot! Glad it's helpful
Frank Eno
Another cool project for Twitter growth, good luck with launch!
Tom Jacquesson
Thanks @frankeno
Andrew Kamphey
Excited to try it out.
Tom Jacquesson
If @kampheyapproved tries it out, we just won PH.
Will give it a go! Congrats on the launch! 🚀🚀
Rohit Gulam
Twitter Streak is awesome! I look forward to receiving the daily email with an idea of what to tweet. Congrats on the launch Tweet Hunter team 👏
Michael Novotny
@rohitgulam1 Hi Rohit! Thank you for the feedback and providing back how it has helped your journey. Super helpful and so glad it has helped your journey!
Aaron Orendorff
In all seriousness, Tweet Hunter just keeps adding value! It was already my favorite Twitter tool — by a landslide. And this sort of external (free) add-on is exactly what many of us need 🙌
Paul Davies
How good is this idea ? Nothing like a challenge that holds you accountable to help someone get results ! Who would have thought you could package it up into a set of pages and software that not only keeps you on track ,but rewards you with tips, and bonuses that ensure you get the most out of the challenge. This is just the push I needed to take me from a Twitter information gatherer and start pushing out the value and knowledge I've learnt over many years of work in the trenches. Another arrow in the Tweet Hunter quiver. Well done @tomjacquesson , @thibaultll and your AI team !
Tom Jacquesson
@thibaultll @paul_davies3 "Another arrow in the Tweet Hunter quiver" -> love it, stealing it
Michael Novotny
@tomjacquesson @thibaultll @paul_davies3 Wow amazing feedback. thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts Paul!
Nice challenge to be consistent!!!
Tom Jacquesson
Thank you Victor!
Adarsh gupta
People says consistency can do wonders and thats true. If you can't push, Twitter streak will really help you to be more consistent I have build my audience from 4k to 13k with in 60 days and woaah its like more than 100% growth 📈 Wishing the team best of luck 🤞
Tom Jacquesson
@adarsh____gupta thank you Adarsh, amazing to see your journey!
Michael Novotny
@adarsh____gupta Thank you for the feedback Adarsh. It has been awesome to see your improvement. A great example of consistency.
Priya Shukla
This looks awesome.
@priyashukla15 Thanks Priya
Aashray Singhal
This is really brilliant. I myself has crossed 61 days out of 100 because of this. Couldn't make a snap streak but made twitter streak. Lol thanks @thibaultll brilliant product❤️ Congratulations
Michael Novotny
@thibaultll @aashray_singhal Hey thank you Aashray for the feedback. Amazing to see your feedback in how it has helped you. Careful that you mention snap streak. You may give Tibo an idea to create another tool. 😅