Yassine Zeriouh

Twidd - Chrome Extension to save time writing DMs right on twitter


You don't need a full-on CRM, want to keep DMs personal but hate copying and pasting parts of the same message over and over again? That's where Twidd comes in! Twidd is a Chrome extension that lets you create DM templates and use them easily within Twitter!

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Yassine Zeriouh
Hello Hunters! πŸ‘‹ I am so stoked to launch my very first product on Product Hunt! 🀩 Twidd was built to scratch my own itch. I'm building a developer tool startup and a big part of my target audience lives on Twitter. I don't like sending mass-DMs because I really like to actually see the profile beforehand and personalize the message for that exact person, but I still had to copy and paste parts of the message over and over again - what a chore! 😣 So I sat down and created a Chrome extension that helps me with that. The idea is simple: You can create Twitter DM templates, wrap keywords that you want to replace later like [this], and then use these templates directly inside Twitter, without copying and pasting, and without getting worried about not replacing some important part of the message. πŸ‘€ I've posted a small gif of how it works on Twitter, and gotten a lot of requests of people wanting to use my extension - so I made it an actual working product! πŸ›  Make sure you get your $10 off by using the code "PH10OFF"! If you have any feedback or questions - let me know and I'll answer them! πŸš€
ZoltΓ‘n SzΕ‘gyΓ©nyi
Congrats on the launch, @xyassini!
Yassine Zeriouh
@zoltanszogyenyi Thank you ZoltΓ‘n! πŸ”₯
Johannes MΓΌller
awesome work and a great idea πŸ’‘πŸš€
Yassine Zeriouh
@hayerhans Thank you Johannes! πŸš€
Raphael Fleckenstein
Twidd is great. It saves me so much time writing Twitter DMs and allows you to still keep a personal touch!
Yassine Zeriouh
@raphael_167 Glad you're enjoying Twidd Raphael! πŸŽ‰
Oliver Wagner
Good luck!
Yassine Zeriouh
@rogervanwile Thank you Oliver! πŸš€
Tanzirul Huda
Congratulations on the launch, @xyassini.
Yassine Zeriouh
@tanzirul_huda Thank you Tanzirul! πŸš€
Shahadat Shemul
Nice little tool. Congrats on the launch.
Yassine Zeriouh
@shemul Thanks Shahadat! πŸ™
Sebastian Herd
Congrats on the Launch, @xyassini πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Yassine Zeriouh
@sehebel Thank you Sebastian!! πŸš€
Adam Kershner
Congrats on the launch!!
Yassine Zeriouh
@adamthecreator Thank you Adam!!
Jan Scheurenbrand
Congrats on the launch! πŸš€
Yassine Zeriouh
@scheja Thanks!!
Zacc Wair
Absolutely need to level up my twitter game, maybe this will help outreach and talking to founders to increase my circle. Congratulations on the launch!
Yassine Zeriouh
@zwairsie Twitter as a marketing channel is definitely underrated! Thank you Zacc, appreciate it!! πŸ”₯
Tatiana Feoktistova
@xyassini I really like this idea! Simple and effective!, Have the best of luck!
Yassine Zeriouh
@tatiana_feo Thanks Tatiana! πŸŽ‰
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
Nice idea! How does it know what to put in the brackets? Does it automatically pull that from something? Or do you still need to update that manually?
Yassine Zeriouh
@britt_joiner Thank you Brittany! The [name] bracket is the only special one here - it is automatically prefilled with the presumed first name of the person you're messaging! As for all the other brackets, you have to fill them manually, but I made even that easy - if you press the tab key on your keyboard, it automatically jumps to the next [word or sentence in brackets] and selects it, so you can type right away without even using your mouse! :)
Alina Berezhanskaya
Cool idea @xyassini! Wish you good luck! 🎯
Yassine Zeriouh
@wilddeer1 Thank you Alina, appreciate it! πŸ™
Lisa L
upvoted. but found that twitter sometimes disables me from sending similar messages, will this extension be trouble with this as well?
@xyassini this is great! I like using Twitter and this can definitely help save time in terms of typing and having available templates