Scott Buscemi

"New Mac Smell" Candle - Enjoy the new Mac smell for 45-55 hours 🕯👃

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@rrhoover How does it work though? you apply it on your Mac and start spreading it? :D
@nandoodles @rrhoover lol. in case you need more satisfaction 🤗
David Feng
@shahinix @rrhoover This is one master spreader. I can never spread so evenly in one motion!
Ryan Hoover
Much better than these candles.
bryan s arnold
I don't even remember what a new Mac smells like. Not sure if I should!
Marco Marandiz
At first, I thought this was the Mac Pro trashcan.
Chris Frantz
The new MacBook thirst is real.
Is that supposed to be a direct competitor to the Samsung Galaxy Note 7? :)
Holly Chisholm
Hate to break to it everyone, but this is New Mac smell...
Anthony Stylianou
How long until they are back in stock?
That's it... Society has gone TOO FAR. That said, y'all take AMEX? @twelvesouth @swb1192
Craig Phares
Close your eyes, Windows users, light a candle, and dream about life with a Mac.
Wilhem Pujar
🍎 +👃🏾 = 🍆
Benjamin Earl Evans
This candle will save me a number of trips to the apple store
Adam Marx
Smells like something i can't afford lol!
Joshua Brueckner
Take a look at their cheaper competitor, "New Windows Smell"
Now I'm just gonna feel bad that my Mac is ageing.
Sumeet Shah
Attention, @mobiledivide :-)
Pascal Andy
I am a mamama Materiel Girl 🎤
Evelynn Mimi Jae
Wait... What?? 😆 😆
Sam Sabri
This is so stupid.