An award-winning Twitter client for iOS and the Mac
Tweetbot 4 — The Twitter app w/ personality, reimagined for iOS 9 & iPad

Tweetbot also has all the features you’d expect in a full-featured Twitter client like lists and direct messages, and others you wouldn’t like the new stats view, a night theme for low-light reading, and much more.

Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Tweetbot is lightyears ahead of any other iOS app for Twitter -- and it just got better. So excited!
Chris F. Nicholson
Such a fantastic product. Safari View Controller support is my key feature addition since it adds access to content blockers and existing logins on paywalled sites.
Can someone tell me if Tweetbot now manages sending pictures in DM? Thanks :)
@rstephens Well, it seems I can see pictures, but unfortunately, I cannot send one with the app (or I'm missing something).
Dan Edwards
Love this app. However we need real-world muting for people who complain about paid updates to apps that take months of work. Especially from indie companies like Tapbots. Keep working hard guys and I'll continue to support you 😎👊 ❤️
Dave Branson Smith
Have they fixed conversation viewing yet? This was my big hangup from the past version, gives me hesitation to re-up my purchase here. Haven't found any Twitter client that does conversations well...
Dave Branson Smith
@playswithfood As I play with this more today and deliberately think about the experience, I have another question: Have they fixed the fact that tapping Tweetbot notifications on the lock screen just drop me in the middle of the feed, not at the specific tweet surfaced on the notification I tapped on? Does anyone else get this?
Richard Kho
Snap-bought. Tweetbot's been my go-to Twitter client for years now, and the folks at Tapbots do a great job every time. It costs a fraction of the lunch I ate today, and I know I'll get much more value out of it.
Antoine Plu
— Oh come on, we need to pay once again for this update? — Edit: I was wrong to think like that, support indie developers! 🙌
Robert Stephens
@antoineplu its $4.99. It's a latte. Made with hand -sorted coffee beans. Local, raw milk pasteurized by grass-fed organic cows, steamed with an original Italian Espresso machine. In Rome.
Charles Wiltgen
@antoineplu Dude. It's 5 bucks. (Also: Tweetbot 4 regular price is $10, but when the special price expires Tweetbot 3 owners will still be able to pick up 4 at a discount.)
@antoineplu I am stunned a product designer left this comment. Really man?
Antoine Plu
@rstephens Haha nice one. @kyee @charleswiltgen I'm not saying the price is high for an app, actually it's pretty cheap when you look back to the old release of Tapbots. Just saying I'm tired of paid upgrade and specially for “nothing really new” if look at competitors features & experience. But yes I love Tweetbot and as a loyal user I'll pay.
Jon Abrams
@antoineplu if you don't think it's worth the price, don't buy it.
Robert Stephens
My fav all time most important app. No price is too high. Wish list: Load Thumbnails switch when on WiFi (to save battery&data). 3D Touch. (Like 3D Touch on activity items for quick preview)
Greg Barbosa
@rstephens Paul Haddad posted a few screenshots on Twitter that he already has 3D Touch support in progress and nearly ready.
Vignesh Selvasundar
I love Tweetbot and I paid only because I am a loyal user and I've purchased every version till now. Still, it is disappointing to charge me once again considering the changes with the new app.
Yes! The big update of the best Twitter client for iOS is here. Including a brand new iPad app. Instabuy!
Bolivar Baez
Excellent update, specially the iPad version
Rich Seidel
Another paid upgrade?? Tweetbot is my go to but it's draining my pockets. But yes finally an iPad update. Been waiting for that
Dan Edwards
@thebluestripe $5 is "draining" your pockets? I hardly doubt it, c'mon man. You say it's your go to app, that says to me you use it regularly. Which means it has value to you. You also seem fairly happy they've updated the iPad app as part of the update, should you not pay for that?
Rich Seidel
@de You are absolutely right, i thew that comment out there too fast, I actually purchased the app about 2 minutes after I wrote that. I guess we have come used to free and .99 cent apps. I gladly give Tapbots my cash for a great app. I have the iPhone, iPad and Mac version of this app and I use all of them on a daily basis. I respect indie companies and I two they need money to operate. PS the iOS app works for both iPad and iPhone, the last time I remember it having to be purchase twice for each device. Keep up the good work Tapbots!