Jonathon Toon

Tweet Tray - Tweet quickly from your desktop without any distractions.

Tweet Tray is a small application which allows you to tweet from your desktop taskbar or menubar, without any distractions.


- Windows 10, macOS, Ubuntu

- Custom Profile Color

- Night Mode

- Launch at System Start

- Images / GIF Support

- 8 Languages

- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Alt + T Shortcut

Core technology consists of Electron, React, Redux and Styled Components. This project is 100% open source, anyone can contribute.

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Sanjevi Rau
Great app! I've love it. Just a suggestion, adding drag and drop image support would be awesome :)
Jonathon Toon
Thanks @sanjevirau, it's definitely on the road map for one of things we want to add!
Jonathon Toon
@binoyxj it might be a little hard to control and annoying for those who want to keep one mode over the other all the time, but I appreciate the feedback.
Binoy Xavier Joy
@jonathontoon Just a manual toggle would be much better. I like how Pretzel introduced a Dark/Light theme toggle to their app in the latest update
Jonathon Toon
@binoyxj Tweet Tray currently does have a manual toggle for Night Mode. Is there a different implementation which you think is better for us to try out?
I’ve been looking for something like this! Would love to have something like this with messages & mentions right in the menu bar but I guess I’ll have to see what the future holds

Tweet without the distractions! What more is there to say.


Tweet without the distractions


Little bit heavy because it's an Electron app

Jonathon Toon
Hi everyone. I just wanted to write a quick message of thanks for all the upvotes and making Tweet Tray the #1 Product of the Day for a brief period. 🙇
Paweł Opydo
It's in Spanish :D I'm not in Spain. How to change the language?
Jonathon Toon
Hey @popydo! Tweet Tray's language is based on the system language of your operating system. If your current language is not supported it will default to standard English.
Paweł Opydo
@jonathontoon something must be wrong. My system (osx) language is Polish – it's not supported and the app launched in Spanish :D
Jonathon Toon
@popydo after a quick investigation it seems if your preference is not found Spanish is used. Will release a new version in a few hours to correct the issue. English will be the proper default. Thanks for reporting!
Jonathon Toon
@popydo the issue should be resolved now.
Juan Buis
been using tweet tray for about a month now and it's quickly become my favorite way to tweet — it's just so quick

Great app for Twitter users who always want to tweet something.


If you have a great idea for a new tweet, you can do it right from your desktop, no need to open Twitter and forget what you wanted to do.


Quite heave despite the minimal functionality (because it is based on Electron)

Anna Filou
I get “tweet-tray-1.1.5.dmg” can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin. on macOS Big Sur 😅