Ghost Kitty

Trusted News - Trusted News helps you spot fake or suspicious news.


Trusted News (from eyeo, creators of Adblock Plus) highlights the trustworthiness of news websites. Today’s internet is full of uncertainty. Disinformation, falsehood and clickbait reign supreme.

With Trusted News, information is power. Our simple extension warns if a site is considered trustworthy, satire, malicious or biased.

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Ghost Kitty
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Marco Di Bree
@tohonas @dcrobot @marioskoe @martin_ @temilasade look forward to trying this out! Definitely a much needed product. ✌️
Greg Hundermark
@tohonas @dcrobot @marioskoe @martin_ @temilasade Hi. I am an Instructional Technology Specialist at a high school in PA. Would you guys be interested in partnering up with us for a pilot program of some kind? Perhaps the kids could use Trusted News in exchange for feedback?
Ghost Kitty
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Aaron Thornburgh
@tohonas @marioskoe @martin_ @temilasade @ghundermark Yes, we are absolutely interested :)
Greg Hundermark
Hi @temilasade . One of my colleagues dropped you a line via the e-mail you shared. Did you receive it?
Justin Johnson
Products like this are - unfortunately - very important these days. When blogs transformed news it was a revolution we all cheered. Now we have to combat the dark side of that personal publishing power. Would you be interested in working with any universities to test and improve the product? If so I might have some folks that would be interested.
Ghost Kitty
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Justin Johnson
@eyeo @temilasade Absolutely. And taking nothing away from you or this product; you are in the right side of this battle. Will shoot you an email.
Aaron Thornburgh
@justinotherjohnson @eyeo @temilasade Definitely! We're happy to discuss collaborating with universities, data providers, or anyone else that's interested in equipping users with the tools they need to discover trustworthy sources of information (and avoid the rest).
Justin Johnson
@eyeo @temilasade @dcrobot Fake news is becoming a major part of Comms curriculum at schools everywhere. I went to the Edward R Murrow School at Washington State and this is a major change they are addressing in their curriculum. I also know GW is addressing this in their journalism track as well.
Aaron Thornburgh
@eyeo @temilasade @justinotherjohnson Justin, anyone you think might be interested, just send 'em our way. Finding/connecting with the right people in this space is super difficult :/
Guillaume Bardet
That's interesting and I completely understand that you're still in beta. I am curious to know who makes the decision that we end up seeing? Have you considered letting people rate their opinion and we could see exactly the average and number of ratings?
Aaron Thornburgh
@guillaumebardet The final decision comes from the data providers included in the MetaCert Protocol as an aggregated rating (e.x. 3 out of 4 say "Biased"). For now, users can give feedback on a rating, but not change it on their side. We're collecting that data and go through it manually, requesting another review from the data sources. In the future, once the feedback mechanism moves to the blockchain, we plan to show an additional "community rating" if a lot of people disagree with our data sources. As the Product Manager, I'm still undecided about letting people choose their own rating to display. While that does provide users more direct control, and we could attract more of them that way, it defeats the purpose of what we're trying to do: give people an indication of actual trustworthiness, not perceived trustworthiness. If people can select any label they want, then they would just be reinforcing their own biases. And yet we recognize that even independent, professional sources don't always get it right. So... maybe.
One man's trusted resource is another's biased media. This could easily become an echo chamber for confirmation bias depending on who decides what is "trustworthy".
Aaron Thornburgh
@paisano Creating another echo chamber is exactly what we seek to avoid. Our ratings are provided by independent, credible sources like PolitiFact, Snopes, and MetaCert Protocol. We will be adding more data sources over time, and plan to make each source selectable (in case you don't trust one of our sources). By the end of the year we hope to deploy a blockchain solution that will allow the community to contribute as well, but in such a way that rewards good behavior and disincentives bad behavior. For as long as there are people involved, there will always be bias and inaccuracy. Our goal is to mitigate both through multiple data sources that are committed to quality, factual information. Trusted News is the only thing out there (that I know of) that draws from more than one source. We simply want to arm people with the tools and contextual information they need to make their own decisions. <3 <3 <3
Paul Walsh
@paisano What would you recommend as an alternative?
Zé Maria Dos Santos
it's worth your product to be based on Metacert's rating
Zé Maria Dos Santos
@paul__walsh @temilasade I hope this project work's. I use the Cryptonite in Chrome and the SlackBot and i think this system ....