kishlay raj

Khan Academy Video Search [TalkToVideos] - Ask anything and get direct answer to exact minute in videos


Now you can search anything and get answers to exact minute in amonst the full repository of khan academy videos.
This is immensly helpful for revision or doing research on any topic.

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kishlay raj
We found that students find it difficult to revise with videos because it is difficult to search in a video repository, so here comes the search that solves the problem. We also found this to be useful in going deep into any particular topic and finding all its references to get a better understanding. And with the kind of answers AI started giving, it also became obvious that it will very helpful to kids who can now anything like - "Why is my blood red?, Why don't we see in the dark ?" and get amazing interesting answers of those and play with it. We gave it to around 200 users in the United States and found this useful across teachers, parents, and students. This is an unofficial free initiative to help students. We tried reaching out to the khan academy executives but were not able to connect, it would be great if someone can help us with that. Let me know what do you think about it.